Know Your Rights as a Protester
If you are going to attend a protest, organize a protest, or photograph a protest, you should definitely know your rights as a protester, AND the rights of the police to police you.

Oakland’s Facial Recognition Ban Sets Stage for Similar Laws Nationwide
The city of Oakland took their ban on use of facial recognition software a step further Tuesday with another unanimous vote in city council. The ordinance barring municipal use of the software will be voted on once more in September and is expected to pass without objection, making Oakland the

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Safe Abortion Access Is a Matter of Life or Death: Here’s How You Can Help
Before the U.S. Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade in 1973, women died during botched illegal abortions at alarming rates and far more were forced to carry and care for children they were ill prepared for. Terminating pregnancy is not a pleasant topic or an easy choice for any woman,

now you can donate to awesome charities via text
There are a lot of ways you can be charitable. How many times has the cashier at some random store asked if you wanted to add a dollar onto your sale to fight cancer? Our Facebook feeds are filled with GoFundMe’s and friends setting up charity donations in lieu of

This Organic, Natural, Hypoallergenic Screaming Pillow is Perfect 2017
Are you stressed out about the Trump Administration’s attack on women’s reproductive rights? Do you get headaches thinking about what he’s doing to our immigrant communities? Are you having issues stomaching his Climate Change denial? Well luckily for you there is now the Softy Screamer! When your regular pillows are

We wanna send you plus one to A Citizen’s Guide to Making Change Happen with Eric Liu!
Eric P. Liu is an American writer and founder of Citizen University. Liu served as Deputy Assistant to President Clinton for Domestic Policy at the White House between 1999 and 2000. He served as Speechwriter and Director of Legislative Affairs for the National Security Council at the White House from 1993

Cover Album Benefits the ACLU
Sixteen awesome indie and punk artists banded together for this charitable covers compilation that includes the songs of Tom Petty, Green Day, Rick Astley, and many more timeless musicians (try listening to Never Gonna Give You Up) and not get it stuck in your head). We all enjoy quality renditions

Capital One Cafes Doing Free Money Coaching to Help Change Your Relationship with Money
Thank you Capital One for sponsoring this post! This is a paid endorsement. All opinions are my own and were not directed by Capital One. To learn more about Capital One, visit here. Wanna sponsor a post? Email I don’t have the best relationship with money. I’ve never been great