american indian

30 Dec 2024

Protester Interrupts Biden’s Formal Apology to Native Americans

Joseph Biden has issued a formal apology for the Indian boarding school era. In one sweeping statement the outgoing president scrubbed centuries of genocide, a “stain on our nation’s soul,” from its conscience. Biden’s remarks come 530 years after colonization began in earnest—too little too late for some. For others,

Jake Warren 0
22 Nov 2017

Meet the Real SF Natives: 5 Ohlone Tribelets of SF and the Peninsula

San Francisco is an old, iron safe filled with gold, glory, disaster, and secrets. SFCentric History is a column, by SF writer V. Alexandra de F. Szoenyi, that digs in the vaults of local history and shares the sensational people, places, and things that rocked San Francisco. Thanksgiving is this

V. Alexandra de F. Szoenyi 0