april fools day

SF’s St. Stupid’s Day Parade, a Wonderfully Idiotic Tradition
There is a ridiculous tradition each April Fool’s Day in San Francisco. It’s a celebration of all things illogical, a demonstration for the foolish by the fool hearty, a preposterous procession that celebrates above all one thing: human stupidity.

Historic Victorian to be Moved to Middle of Great Highway
Not long after an 1880 Italianate Victorian home moved seven blocks in San Francisco, a historic apartment building in Pacific Heights is now being relocated to the Sunset district. And the move is not without controversy. The 110-year-old Pallesen Apartment building is crawling its way to Ocean Beach to be placed in

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Vaccine Clinics in Florida Now Disguised as Gun Stores
Miami-Dade County FL – The State of Florida has had a hard time getting it’s population vaccinated in 2021. Especially when it comes to its white conservative males, who are by far the demographic most likely to say they have no plans to take the vaccine. State officials now have a

How to do Easter Like a Proper Heathen in San Francisco
It’s Easter Sunday in San Francisco, which means there are gloriously unreligious and outrageously interesting events to attend. There’s the legendary Hunky Jesus Contest in Golden Gate Park with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. There’s the incredibly juvenile and dangerously fun Big Wheel Races down Potrero Hill, and as luck

Fire the Fool – Nationwide Trump Protests Are No Joke
For the last five months, it feels like this country has been leading up to one big April Fool’s joke being put on by our government. Should we ever be so lucky that was the case, yet unfortunately by now, we know it’s not. In response to “The Fool” and

April Fools Day: Best Video Pranks 2015
Today is April Fools Day, which means I’ll be going to the 36th annual St. Stupid Day Parade (Justin Herman Plaza at noon) to put on weird clothes and march around SF celebrating absurdity and human stupidity. And in the spirit of the stupid and absurd, lets have a laugh shall we? One day

The City That Was: Pranking Time Magazine with The Fantasia Protest
In The City That Was, Bohemian Archivist P Segal tells a weekly story of what you all missed: the days when artists, writers, musicians, and unemployed visionaries were playing hard in the city’s streets and paying the rent working part time. As April Fools’ Day approaches, I’m unavoidably reminded of my old friend

OH, HI MARK! ‘The Room’ Screening Tonight at Big Umbrella Studios
HOLY SHIT it’s amazing out today! It’s hot enough for my window to be open for once and the people next door have already commenced a rooftop drinkfest. NO, this is not an April Fool’s Day joke! SUN IN SAN FRANCISCO! Okay, I’m done. I just had to talk about