
Districts for Weekend 3: SOMA, Tenderloin, MIDMA, Downtown, Potrero Hill, Dogpatch, Bayview, Portola, Excelsior, Balboa Park

SF Indie Art Fair “st-ART-up” This Weekend!
San Francisco’s independently produced contemporary art fair for unrepresented artists “stArtup Fair” is happening this weekend May 1-3, 2015, at the Hotel Del Sol, and it should be awesome. “The art world is changing, and many working artists are finding themselves without a space to present their work. The core

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

What You Should Know About D.I.Y. Guru Faythe Levine
Faythe Levine is hard to categorize. She is a published writer, filmmaker, lecturer, artist, and a curator. But most importantly, she is a beautiful spirit who has helped create, push, and explore individual creativity and has brought it to the attention to anyone who is willing to observe. Her site

5 Things Your Broke-Ass Artist Friend Doesn’t Want To Hear
Because of America’s obsession with lists, I present to you, the struggling artist, the top five things every artist does not want to hear. Let it be known that this list is not so much intended for readers like you, but your friends, family and colleagues, who have a large

Escaping Your Day Job: The Truth About Open Calls Part 2
This past summer, AOL (yes, they’re still around) decided to throw their hat into the online news and media game with the very public launch of AOL Live, and an open call for on-air news personalities. The posting stated that they were seeking big personalities whether you were “experienced” or

Escaping Your Day Job: The Truth About Open Calls Part 1
Labor Day weekend has become a distant memory and, with the summer behind us, it awakens a yearly occurrence which can simply be known as The Season in New York City. For musicians, actors and various performers alike that simply means a slew of auditions opening up after a

Why You Shouldn’t Date Someone For Free Food.
So close, yet so far. I’ve been in Brooklyn for 5 days now, and I have yet to eat a normal meal. Unless you count pizza, and my very English mother would disown me if I did. It’s not just that I’m broke, or culinarily challenged. There’s also a rabbit

Creativity + Money = ??
I was walking down the street the other night pondering the relationship between creativity and money. I was walking past an art gallery and looking at the art displayed in the windows, and “poof!” there it was, a large green painting with big white dollar sign in the middle. Huh,