06 May 2024

Do You Miss Lockdown?

2020 started with the impeachment of Donald Trump, the first attempted presidential ousting since Clinton twenty-two years prior. A volcano in the Philippines erupted, killing thirty-nine and leaving many without homes. LA Lakers player Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna Maria-Onore died in a helicopter crash. A novel SARS virus

Jake Warren 0
05 Jan 2021

No Charges in Jacob Blake’s Shooting on Same Day Rittenhouse Pleads Not Guilty

“No Kenosha law enforcement officer in this case will be charged with any criminal offense.” After a fiery summer in an unprecedented movement for civil rights, those words will be remembered as a deep cut. Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Graveley announced Tuesday that the officer who shot Jacob Blake

06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
13 Oct 2020

SF’s Police Shooting Protest Was Peaceful; 93% of BLM Protests Are

About 150 people marched in San Francisco Monday night in protest against the police killing of an alleged carjacking suspect. The crowd was small, but their demand of police was clear: Stop shooting Black and brown people.  The story, according to a police statement, is that officers responded to a

21 Sep 2020

SF Dispensary CEO’s Alleged ‘F*ck Black Lives Matter’ Tirade Gets Shop Graffitied As Racist

Mission District cannabis dispensary MediThrive found itself in hot water this weekend — and also coated with a giant graffiti tag calling them “RACIST” — after a viral pro-Trump and “fuck BLM” (Black Lives Matter) private social media post allegedly posted by the dispensary’s founder and CEO Misha Breyburg was

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
15 Sep 2020

You’re Probably Antifa and Don’t Even Know It

I was fooling around on Twitter last week and came across a ridiculous conversation where a bunch of dummies were earnestly trying to get #DefundAntifa to trend. I howled with glee over this because it was literally one of the stupidest things I’ve ever read. You can’t defund Antifa because

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
26 Aug 2020

Militia Teen Kills Two Protesters After Far-Right Violence Warnings Go Ignored

A self-described militia group calling themselves the Kenosha Guard on Facebook had scheduled a Tuesday “call to arms” event, which was promoted by Infowars with an event listing page screenshot. Before it was taken down, the event page said: “Any patriots willing to take up arms and defend our city

03 Aug 2020

What the Porn Industry Can Learn from Black Lives Matter

Black bodies experience an intense amount of fetishization, and this is not to be conflated with appreciation or care for black people. Porn and culture often mirror each other, which affects the type of pornography that is readily available. If you believe Black Lives Matter, you should ensure that Black lives matter in all of your behavior – including your porn consumption. How we view, respect, and value Black sex workers is crucial for equality.

24 Jun 2020

Racists among us: BLM movement shines light on the best and worst of the Bay Area Area

Prosecutors with the San Mateo County District Attorney’s Office announced that they’ve filed felony criminal threat charges with a hate crime enhancement against a 55-year-old San Francisco man. Steven Cibotti, the accused, allegedly approached a family who were sitting down to eat together at Flights Restaurant in Burlingame on June