burning man art

The Artists Behind Naga & The Captainess: A Burning Man 2024 Highlight
There’s one part of Burning Man that is universally understood – the art installations featured are some of the most incredible in the world. This year, my favorite piece is Naga And The Captainess (Naga), a magnificent 150-foot interactive art installation that blends impeccable craftsmanship with captivating storytelling. Currently being

Art Ignite: A Female Artist Showcase & Party to Save SF’s Box Shop
“Art Ignite” is an artist showcase on June 22nd that brings together 15 incredible female artists for a party unlike any other. You’ll get to dance along to some great DJs, meet the artists, hear about their projects, and see some of the artwork in person. All this and more

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

The Real Reason You Should Have Gone to Burning Man
I’m ready for the haters who go in on me for loving Burning Man. I will admit, I sometimes roll my eyes at folks who make it their whole life. You won’t see me sporting a bumper sticker or going to every burner event in The Bay. But if you

“The Dust That Binds Us” Celebrates The Creative Spark in Every Human
This Friday, November 4th, 40+ artists will showcase over 140 of their work at Foreign Lens in North Beach during a group show called “The Dust That Binds Us”. The opening will align with the monthly First Friday event in the neighborhood, North Beach Art walk. While the art walk

How To Prepare for Burning Man In Twenty-Four Hours
By Jeremy Kuempel “Oh my god, I just got a ticket to the Burn! This is finally my year!” Her voice dripped with enthusiasm. For months, the only thing my friend could talk about was how badly she wanted to go to Burning Man. She raved about the art she

Late Night at “No Spectators: The Art of Burning Man” is Dope!
Did you know that the Oakland Museum of California has a really bad-ass exhibit right now call No Spectators: The Art of Burning Man? Well they do! And what makes it even cooler is that, on select Thursdays, they are staying open late and turning it into a party! There will be food, drink, and much more.

We Went to Burning Man to Tell Tech: Stop Supporting ICE
By Marisa Franco In the midst of the twisted metal and neon light art installations of Burning Man, we added one more: a tall wooden cage, like those in prisons throughout the country where President Trump has locked away thousands of immigrants. Immigrants have been rounded up and imprisoned by Immigration