
Riot Fest Bands Answer One-Word Interview Questions
To help y’all to get to know some of the (many) artists you should get to know from Riot Fest, we sped up the process by having them pick a one-word interview question from a hat. Here’s what 11 of them had to say (these are all actual quotes): And

San Francisco Among America’s “Rattiest” Cities
Move over, mold. San Francisco has a rat problem. For the third year in a row, SF has ranked fifth in a list of rat-ridden cities compiled by pest control company, Orkin. New York City took second place, losing out to Chicago. Orkin rated the Windy City America’s “rattiest,” marking

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

What Were People Willing to Riot for at Riot Fest?
When you think of a festival, especially a very sizable one (40-50k fans a day), you don’t usually expect the progressiveness – or for them to be a community-involved non-profit – that we see from Riot Fest. With that said, plus all of that is going on in this world,

Finding Love at Festival
Love isn’t for everyone and festivals aren’t for everyone but anyone looking for CONSENUAL love at a festival has the opportunity to find that someone (for a night or for life). Finding love in all the wrong places is pretty easy. Finding love at Riot Fest is almost as easy

BAS Poetry: Chance the Rapper on NPR’s Tiny Desk
Broke-Ass Stuart is now accepting poetry submissions to be featured in the BAS Poetry: Arts & Culture column. Written & curated by Corinne Avganim. What do you do most Fridays? Me — I sit around the house with buddies, drink too much and watch music videos on YouTube. During last weekend’s

We wanna send you and your bae to see Jamila Woods!
With a velvety sound primarily rooted in soul and hip hop, Chicago’s Jamila Woods made her first big impact on the music scene in 2015 with her fan adored vocal features on Donnie Trumpet & The Social Experiment’s Surf album (Sunday Candy and Questions). Prior to her 2015 solo breakout, Jamila was

We wanna send you and a friend to Riot Fest! 48 hour giveaway!
Riot Fest is a multi-day music festival specializing in punk, rock, alternative, metal, and hip-hop. Founded in 2005 in Chicago. Carnival Rides, amazing food vendors, sideshow performers, and more add to the atmosphere of this independent music fest. In 2005, Riot Fest booked a multi-venue weekend of punk and rock

All The Things You Need To Know at Riot Fest Chicago
A decade ago you probably never heard of Riot Fest. Shoot, even this year you still might not know about it. Alas, I assure you, that you’ll know a handful of the artists at one of the country’s biggest punk, alternative, metal and hip-hop festivals. The ORIGINAL Misfits, Nas, Rob