
Year of the Cock Is Set To Come Upon Us
Gong hay fat choy! This Saturday is the official Chinese New Year, and the Year of the Cock is entering on Jan. 28 according to the Chinese Zodiac. Peckers will be proudly on display at celebrations worldwide, and Chinese New Year parades and parties will pull out the cock floats,

5 Essential San Francisco Chinatown Bars
Somebody told me to go see Mama the bartender at the Bow Bow in Chinatown, which were the most enticing words I had heard all week. That Friday I was downing shots of Patron with Mama amongst a sea of pistachio shells as beautifully terrible karaoke blared in the background.

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

10+ Days of Creative Activist Mayhem Coming to San Francisco
The media’s buzzing with the old news of artists’ displacement in San Francisco. Every month the remaining members of the city’s arts community mourn the loss of yet another place where creative people lived or worked together for years. The cause celebre of artist David Brenkus ‘s eviction from his

The Organ Trail of San Francisco: The Best Offal in Chinatown & North Beach
The quest for the finest offal in the city. A Multi-Colored Brick Road (ahem) strewn with Brains and Heart for the Courageous.

The 2014 Douchebag of the Year Award
There were a lot of douchie things that happened in San Francisco in 2014. We at The Kinda Late Show thought it was important to award the douchiest. So with out further ado here is the Douchebag of the Year Award. If you dig this make sure to come to

The Secret, Longhair, Radical Activist History of Mayor Ed Lee
Get this — SF Mayor Ed Lee was once a radical tenants’ rights activist back in the 1970s. Yes, I said tenants’ rights activist. The same Ed Lee who currently presides over a stratospheric real estate boom that’s evicting unprecedented numbers of ethnic working class families and elderly people once dedicated his life

The 2014 SF Midwinter Bar Workers Ball- 10 Years United In Nightlife
Ten years ago, when I was just a slightly younger bartender, I was working at Kimo’s up in the Polk and had just recently been hired on as a floater at El Rio, when I was invited to a citywide gay bar mixer held at some guys’ house in the

Kam Po: Pig Ear Soup with a Side of Duck
Kam Po Last week’s article concerned Capital Restaurant’s roast duck, for which I had a lustful appreciation, a sentiment strong enough to effect an immediate return to Chinatown for this week’s post. While tucking into said food at Capital’s low bar last week, a woman sitting next to me clued