comic books

It’s Official: Superman Is Now Bisexual
Today is National Coming Out Day, and someone pretty significant just came out of the phone booth. Just two months after the “boy wonder” Robin game out as an LGBTQ folk, the New York Times brings us the news today that in the world of DC Comics, Superman has come

The Most Insane Logic Problems In ‘Wonder Woman 1984,’ Ranked
Many of us spent our Christmas enduring the 2 hours and 31 minutes of incoherent shouting, explosions, and insane logic problems known as Wonder Woman 1984. And many of us spent that entire duration wondering ‘What the actual fuck?” Every scene of #WW84 was written by a different committee under

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

There’s a Rad New Coalition of Queer & POC Bay Area Cartoonists
The world of comic books and cartoonists is far too often associated with geeky straight white dudes like this: Once you step away from mainstream pop culture though you realize there are cartoonists of every ethnicity, gender, and sexual preference. And there have been decades of underground comic books representing

I Hung Out with All These Nerdy Celebs at NY Comic Con
Hello, Broke-Ass readers! On Round 1, we covered one of the biggest draws of New York Comic Con: Cosplay. This round, we’re gonna take you into the world of yet another huge draw at NYCC every year: Celebrities. Each & every year, NYCC is packed to the brim with celebrities

The Funnest Cosplay Costumes at Comic Con NY
it’s nerd & geek heaven. From video games to film to anime to professional wrestling to toys…whatever stunted your sexual awakening growing up will be represented under the roof of New York Comic Con

Buy Some Goddamn Comics From Mission Comics
By Kelly O’Grady You like supporting local business? You like the comic books? Then get off yah’ duff chowda’ head and walk over to Mission Comics and buy some graphic novels already! Leef Smith, the proprietor of Mission Comics is a huge sweetheart and a real mensch. They have sales

An Artist You Should Know: Karla Ortiz
The “Artist You Should Know” series highlights local artists before they exhibit their work somewhere awesome, it’s our way of supporting the creative community and helping to keep San Francisco a strange and wonderful place. Meet artist Karla Ortiz, the concept artist of your nerdy dreams. If you’re like me (and I know