
Beloved Oakland Donut Shop Robbed But Community Swoops in to Support
Dick’s Donuts on High Street in Oakland was robbed by a regular customer on Thursday of last week in broad daylight. During a brief quiet moment in an otherwise busy morning, a man came into Dick’s Donuts, broke down the plastic barrier on the counter and took the entire register

On Logging Off And Actually Living in San Francisco
On a rumbling N Muni train, coming home from Medicine for Nightmares and the shop’s well-attended Poets for Palestine event, I see a scene straight out of Spike Jonez’s Her play out in front of me. A 20-something person flicks between matches on Bumble, a map of San Francisco itself, and

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Wallet Wellness: A Guide for Financial Well-Being and Prosperity
Hi and welcome to the BAS Wellness Column! My name is Erynne Elkins and I’m a Well-Being Advocate and Certified Breathwork Facilitator. Every week I’ll share a holistic wellness modality available here in the Bay Area. Cheers to good health! “We have struggled enough. It’s time to move past the

A Matchmaker Talks About Finding Love After the Pandemic
Hi and welcome to the BAS Weekend Wellness Column! My name is Erynne Elkins and I’m a Well-Being Advocate and Certified Breathwork Facilitator. Every Friday I’ll share a holistic wellness modality available here in the Bay Area. Cheers to good health! The Geometry of Dating “Life has changed. I call

How Integrative Nutrition Feeds Your Body and your Soul
Hi and welcome to the BAS Weekend Wellness Column! My name is Erynne Elkins and I’m a Well-Being Advocate and Certified Breathwork Facilitator. Every Friday I’ll share a holistic wellness modality available here in the Bay Area. Cheers to good health! Refreshingly Deep Insights About Nutrition This just in. The

TOMA Offering “Buy One, Give One” Meals to Help Feed SF Students
Despite the absolute insanity that’s going on right now with regard to coronavirus, it’s incredible to see the community step up and help each other. This came across my desk the other day and I thought I’d share. The folks at TOMA are doing a “Buy One, Give One” meal

How to Support Artists, Performers, and Service Industry Folks During Coronavirus
Let’s get real: the American system of “Fuck you, I got mine!” has been proven to be woefully unprepared for the coronavirus pandemic. What a surprise! This plague is laying bare the fact that not having Universal Healthcare or other social safety nets is terrible for society. If we had Universal

BAS Poetry: Chance the Rapper on NPR’s Tiny Desk
Broke-Ass Stuart is now accepting poetry submissions to be featured in the BAS Poetry: Arts & Culture column. Written & curated by Corinne Avganim. What do you do most Fridays? Me — I sit around the house with buddies, drink too much and watch music videos on YouTube. During last weekend’s