
06 Jul 2010

The Saloon

photo from buzzine From the outside this spot has a total biker bar look to it, but once you get in you realize that it is more of a “55 year olds getting drunk and dancing to live blues music” sort of spot.  This fabled watering hole is one of

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
30 Jun 2010

Photos and Video from the June Pub Crawl

Ah yes…yet another kick ass pub crawl has come and gone.  I know it happened a few weeks ago, but I’m a busy motherfucker, so I just now got around to getting all this stuff organized. What can I say?  Despite how awesome it looks, it was even awesomer! We

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
27 Dec 2024

I Need To Get Real With You for a Minute

I need your help to keep BrokeAssStuart.com going. In 2024, we wrote over 800 articles and published over 4,000 social media posts serving the San Francisco Bay Area. We’ve covered striking workers, fine artists, corrupt politicians, fantastic drag performers, colorful weirdos, cherished small businesses, and the vital news that the

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
18 Apr 2010

A Great Night Despite the Burg

On days when I attempt to walk down Bedford Avenue on a Saturday night I am quickly reminded of why I don’t do it more often.  It sucks.  Aside from the droves of drunk ass 21 year olds out in front of Spike Hill’. aside from the piles of hipsters

Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer 0
18 Mar 2010

A Prayer to St. Patrick

Dear St. Patrick, Please let me go somewhere fun on YOUR DAY. Please let me eat some of that awesome corned beef and cabbage that I love! Please let me find my green face makeup and shamrock necklace in my apartment somewhere. Please let my friends agree to go to

Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer 0
24 Sep 2009

The Patriot Saloon

Anna gave her account of this place a few months back.  I just thought I’d weigh in with mine as well: Recently liberated bras dangle from the ceiling, bearing silent witness to the mayhem below, while drunk young things struggle to hear each other’s pickup lines over intolerably loud country

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
07 Jun 2009

FREE Entertainment: Watch Ex-Frat Boys Act Like Current Frat Boys

Speaking solely in generalities, hipsters live in the Mission and douchebags inhabit the Marina.  Right?  Isn’t that something that we’ve decided on as a culture here in San Francisco?  That white guys can really be only one of those things?  The truth of the matter is that I’ve met plenty of

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0