
Jessica Bennett speaks about her book Feminist Fight Club and we wanna send you!
Jessica Bennett, Contributing Writer, The New York Times; Author, Feminist Fight Club Peggy Orenstein, Author and Contributing Writer, The New York Times Magazine–Moderator The first rule of the Feminist Fight Club is you MUST talk about the Feminist Fight Club — and we invite you to San Francisco’s first public meeting. Jessica’s

8 Empowering Quotes from History’s Most Forward Women
International Women’s Day is a time to reflect on all the strides women made throughout history all over the globe. While us ladies have achieved some amazing feats there are still so many to accomplish. Today is a day to be a loud and proud female. Here are some of

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Feminists to Auction Off Bachelors for Planned Parenthood
Female comedians are selling off live male bachelors at a Valentine’s weekend comedy event that will have you snort-laughing while raising money for Planned Parenthood. Enter the Matriarchy, A Valentine’s Day Celebration provides anti-patriarchal Valentine’s hilarity with SF’s funniest female comedians featuring Kate Willett and Rachel Lark, and auctioning off

My Journey of Feminism
When Beyoncé dropped her self titled album in 2013, unexpectedly and without promotion, everyone of us rushed out to download it, and just as expected, the album was full of amazing and empowering songs that didn’t disappoint. But one thing I did not expect, was for one song to start

Win A One-Year Subscription To Bust Magazine!
It is no secret that Abbi and Ilana of Broad City are my spirit animals, so lucky me, they adorn the cover of an issue of Bust Magazine! Bust Magazine is a bi-monthly print magazine and online community for fierce, funny, and feminist pop-culture junkies. Founders of the BUST Craftacular

Femsplaining: a Safe Space for Women Online
After a few weeks of chasing I was finally able to catch the brains behind the new lady-centric website Femsplain. Amber Gordon is leading the charge for a site that is for women by women and just wrapping a successful Kickstarter for the site. Femsplain creates a safe environment for

It’s Time to Retire the Word “Slut”
I love language. I believe even the vilest of words and phrases can be employed rhetorically in a way that is both provocative and engaging. So when I say it’s time to retire the word slut it is not that I wish to censor the word or remove it from