Film Festivals

S.F.’s Transgender & Arab Film Festivals Are Here!
Tired of the GQP and the right-wing mediasphere spouting tons of public lies about trans kids and Arabs? Need some real and accurate images of the transgendered and the Arabs? Then two film festivals happening this week have what you need. Starting this week are the 25th San Francisco Transgender

The 1st Livable Planet Film Festival Is Here!
The venerable San Francisco Green Film Festival became a casualty of the coronavirus pandemic shutdowns in 2020. But Bay Area filmgoing audiences who fear there will no longer be a local showcase for films speaking for the trees, the birds, and other parts of the ecosystem needn’t worry. The folks

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Slamdance Film Festival is Online This Year and it is Awesome!
For the broke-ass film festival lover, the online edition of the 2021 Slamdance Film Festival is the must-see event of the year. From February 12-25, 2021, festival goers can catch any of the 25 feature films and 107 short and episodic films being shown. Access to Slamdance 2021’s offerings requires

The Netflix of Rejected Films Wants Your Submissions
Backstory: I made a deeply personal documentary about how my liver almost — but didn’t — fail. I recorded most of it on my cell phone. The aesthetic lends itself to feeling like you’re following your friend’s intimate video diary from a very dark time in her life. To me, and many others, it was good enough to submit to film festivals and get a relatable story out there.

Have Yourself A “Black Christmas” (Or Other Weird December Films)
Want to minimize treacly films from your cinematic December? Cinemagoers in the S.F. Bay Area craving more offbeat fare are in luck. This month offers both the new edition of a genre film festival from the S.F. Independent Film Festival folks as well as a twisted Christmas slasher tale from

Halloween Films and Film Festivals Coming to the Bay Area
RECAP: The Mill Valley Film Festival’s arrival set off an October filled with a dozen or so film festivals. To avoid drowning readers in data, the October preview of new films was broken up into three parts. Aside from shout outs to such festivals as the United Nations Association Film

There Are SO Many Film Festivals Coming to the Bay Area!
RECAP: A drunken film festival! A twisted Takashi Miike crime comedy! A San Francisco 1990s underground film series! That’s just scratching the surface of what’s interesting and coming out this month. So this month’s film preview is broken up into three parts. In this installment, there are three film festivals

Highlights from “What The Fest!?” NYC Film Festival and Events.
Hello from NYC, BAS readers! Last week I had the pleasure of checking out one of the best film festivals around for its second year. “What The Fest!?” took place at the IFC Center in Manhattans West Village neighborhood for 4 fantastic days filled with horror, indie and documentary films