
Lessons for Freelance Writers Competing in Our Gig Economy
By Dee Dee Thompson When I decided to start freelance content writing back in December 2018, I’d just gotten fired from a sales role after only five weeks. Honestly, it was the best news ever (I hated that job), but I still worried about my finances and scrambled to find

Tax and Flu Season Feel the Same
The last time I felt this nauseated, angry and anxious was when I had morning sickness. I never threw up over homework assignments in high school. Not even when I was a sleep deprived, hormonal, overachiever taking an absurd amount of AP classes. I’m not pregnant, I don’t have the flu,

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

How to Do Tax Returns if You’re Self Employed and Broke
Guest post by John Gillingham, a San Francisco CPA specializing in small business taxes at Gillingham CPA and makes apps to teach accounting and taxes. Taxes suck. So you are driving around a pink mustached Lyft in order to follow your creative, but less profitable pursuits. Maybe you illegally rent

Work Less, Barter More, Live Better: A Free-Lancers Guide to Bartering
In the last 6 months alone, I have bartered for 20/20 vision via $4000 Lasik eye surgery, $2500 in catering, $400 worth of handyman work, $660 worth of hypnotherapy sessions, 20 Kinky Salon tickets, $1200 worth of gym membership/ personal training, $140 Deva hair cuts, and a $390 Burningman ticket. If I can barter for all

How to Survive as a Broke-Ass Writer in San Francisco
Being a Broke-Ass Writer in San Francisco is only tricky if you try to get your start as a writer in San Francisco. This is a seven by seven mile city with a small number of serious online publications and newspapers. If you’re serious about getting published in serious media outlets,

Working From Home Makes You Gross and Weird
More and more people these days are freelancing, working for themselves, or just not going into the office. This also means that more and more people are working from home, which in turn means more and more people are becoming unhygienic shut-ins with diminishing social skills. At first the idea

Freelancing Your Way Around New York
If you’re like me and you either have a job but don’t have an office, or have several freelance jobs and don’t have an office and your home is not exactly the most productive or comfortable place to be, you’re going to need a good, reliable work spot. Here are

Four Fail-proof Ways to Make and Save Thousands of Dollars a Year on Craigslist
When you need a new roommate to help cover half the costs of your midtown (or uptown or downtown) studio ‘“ because your previous roommate decided to skip out on the lease early to ‘œfind’ himself somewhere in Sumatra ‘“ Craigslist is likely the first place you look. But Craigslist’s