Fuck Trump

There’s A Trump Boat Parade on Saturday in the San Francisco Bay
What’s more ridiculous than a bunch of racists on land? A bunch of racists at sea! There’s a collection of fuck knuckles so desperate for big daddy Trump’s attention that they are throwing a boat parade in the SF Bay with the hope of getting his affection. Yes, really. On

A Comics View of Michelle Wolf at The White House Correspondents Dinner
After her performance on the WHCD, she was essentially dragged through the mud by the internet for her act, claiming things like it being raunchy and mean spirited. Here’s the thing: It was. It was supposed to be.

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

SF Law Office Gets Barrage of Hate for Anti-Trump Sign
If you couldn’t tell, Pier 5 Law Offices is awesome. They are a a group of really progressive sole practitioner lawyers who have been fighting the good fight for over 40 years. In fact they’ve successfully defended more marijuana cases than any other group of lawyers. As you can tell

Protest Launching at Twitter HQ to Kick Trump Off Platform
Tomorrow, Friday the 13th, Resistance SF is kicking off the protest to get Twitter to 86 the Molester-in-Chief from the platform. The Orange Menace’s twitter feed has been full of harassment and hatred for years and given that Rose McGowan just got booted for tweeting about sexual predator Harvey Weinstein,

Cover Album Benefits the ACLU
Sixteen awesome indie and punk artists banded together for this charitable covers compilation that includes the songs of Tom Petty, Green Day, Rick Astley, and many more timeless musicians (try listening to Never Gonna Give You Up) and not get it stuck in your head). We all enjoy quality renditions

Fire the Fool – Nationwide Trump Protests Are No Joke
For the last five months, it feels like this country has been leading up to one big April Fool’s joke being put on by our government. Should we ever be so lucky that was the case, yet unfortunately by now, we know it’s not. In response to “The Fool” and

Yelling ‘Fuck Trump’ Isn’t Enough
Trump won the electoral vote but he lost the popular vote. Let’s be honest with ourselves… no matter who was chosen as the next president, there were bound to be riots. However, I was floored when I learned that Hillary did not win and my party would be the rioters. I was

Everybody Gets One of These F– Trump Shirts!
WANNA STAY UP ON ALL THE FREE SHIRTS WE GIVE OUT? MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM! If you’ve noticed, we like to give out free shirts. We did this first with the I Still Heart SF shirt, then the Broke As Fuck shirt, the Prince shirt and the Muhammad Ali Shirt. All folks gotta do