
All The Dope Halloween Parties in SF & The East Bay
October is the High Holidays in San Francisco and Halloween is the bacchanalia that caps it all off. Halloween parties in SF and the East Bay are in no short supply so if you are wondering what to do, we’ve gathered up a list of all the cool shit happening.

Was the New Rocky Horror Remake Really Necessary?
Welcome to Bay of the Living Dead, a twice a month column about the horror genre. Sometimes I shake my head in wonder over the fact that the same company which offers the virulently right wing (and dishonest) Fox New Channel also offers the Fox Network, home to edgy shows like The

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

25 Best Lazy Halloween Costumes
Halloween is almost here and many of you are starting to think about costume ideas. If you’re broke, enjoy puns, or if you’re simply a very lazy person, here are some incredible DIY, last minute costume ideas to run with. Enjoy responsibly.

Bay of the Living Dead: Shocktoberfest and Other Halloween Horrors Around Town
Welcome to Bay of the Living Dead, a twice a month column about the horror genre, past, present and future. Halloween is the Holiest of Days for horror buffs, and foggy San Francisco abounds with a variety of fun events by which to celebrate the occasion. Shocktoberfest, Russell Blackwood’s gloriously campy, and gory,

Halloween Horrorscopes: Your Best Costume To F*ck In
This Post is brought to you by the fine folks at Good Vibrations, a diverse, sex positive retailer providing high-quality products. and non-judgmental, accurate sex information. The moment the calendar flips from September to October costume anxiety hits like a ton of god damn bricks! What to be? What not to be?

The Importance of Being Costumed When You Party
This originally appeared on Fest300 There’s a photo of me floating around out there that virtually guarantees that I can never run for public office (Note: this was obviously written way before I ran for mayor). In it I’m clearly intoxicated, and wearing Mickey Mouse ears and a pink leotard.

Thievery Corporation’s Rob Garza Talks ‘Phantasm: Halloween at the Armory’
There’s plenty of Halloween parties this year, but there’s only one Halloween party at the Armory and it’s the only one with Rob Garza from Thievery Corporation spinning. This year’s Armory Halloween bash also boasts Syd Gris and the Vau de Vire Society all vamping it up together for Phantasm: A

A Haunting in San Francisco
I like danger and anything I can’t have. But I am afraid of ghosts. Historically, I’ve been able to evade the supernatural. But sometimes, because of our circumstances, we can’t always avoid what we don’t want. I spent the weekend at a San Francisco hostel in lower Nob Hill. My first