
Brooke Jenkins Exploited by Homeland Security
The saga of City Hall’s right wing-ification continues. District Attorney Brooke Jenkins has ostensibly requested a reversal of San Francisco’s status as a Sanctuary City. The Chronicle and KTVU were quick to blame Jenkins when news first broke of the controversy. It is unfortunately an easily understandable impulse. Victorious by

Where Refugees in California are Arriving From
Where refugees in California are arriving from Within the first five months of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in early February 2022, the U.S. admitted more than 100,000 Ukrainian refugees. Most of these refugees were admitted through a special program called humanitarian parole, which falls outside the scope of the data

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Most of San Francisco’s Immigrants Come From These Countries
Stacker compiled a list of the most common countries of origin for immigrants in San Francisco-Oakland-Berkeley, CA Metro Area using data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Trump Changes H-1B Visa Rules to Favor ‘Fashion Models’
The most bizarre sentence you will ever read on a federal government website currently sits on the US Department of Labor’s page for the H-1B visa program, a visa that is most commonly used for medical doctors and computer engineers. But under the Trump administration, the rules have been rewritten

Explosive Leaked Emails Reveal Stephen Miller is Bald
While it has already been reported that in the run-up to the 2016 election, leaked emails indicate that Stephen Miller promoted white nationalist literature, boosted racist immigration stories, and obsessed over the loss of confederate symbols – further investigation has revealed an ACTUALLY surprising detail about the White House Senior

Liberty for ‘All’ is Not Up for Debate
The Great Experiment. The land of promise. The home of the free. This country can be a cruel beast but even in our darkest days, we’ve held tight to glimmers of hope. From the Mayflower to the southern border, people of all stripes have come to this country in search

Oakland’s Facial Recognition Ban Sets Stage for Similar Laws Nationwide
The city of Oakland took their ban on use of facial recognition software a step further Tuesday with another unanimous vote in city council. The ordinance barring municipal use of the software will be voted on once more in September and is expected to pass without objection, making Oakland the

UK Punks Pro-Immigrant Anthem is Beautiful
There are punks on the other side of the pond, with a pro-immigrant, progressive message, and they happen to be fantastic to watch live. The Bristol band Idles exude a ton of charisma when they perform, watch as the lead singer is overwhelmed on stage, while the guitarist walks on