inner sunset

25 Mar 2024

On Leaving San Francisco and Pure Verb

At the end of a long run, sometimes it feels good to take a spin around the block, just to feel the muscles in my thighs move around a little more, to kick out my legs in the last vestiges of a runner’s high. I’ll do the same thing at

A person.
04 Mar 2024

Why This Comic Book Memoir About a Trans Runner Is for Everyone

There are some artists who really seem to do it all, and Mylo Choy is one of them. Choy, who uses they/them pronouns, is a true multi-hyphenate, performing music across the country and training as a long-distance runner. But visual art was always there, drawing as one of their earliest

06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
20 Mar 2023

How This San Francisco Corner Store Keeps The Neighborhood Alive

Early on a Wednesday morning, while smoking a cigarette in front of his shop, Mekonnen Seyoum stops to chat. He’s dressed in a blue button-down shirt with a black mask pulled down his neck, showing his curly black and white beard. A tall paper cup of coffee is in his

02 Feb 2023

Breaking out of Boredom in the Parkside-Taraval Corridor

This column is in the spirit of a “Dear Abby”, with a focus on solutions in the form of micro SF neighborhood deep dives and curated holistic health-centered itineraries Listen to this article read by the author: Dear BBB, I’m so bored with my same old same old girlboss lifestyle. 

11 May 2017

Problem Library: The Weirdest, Coolest Space You’ve Never Heard Of

Problem library has been confusing Inner Sunset residents since it opened in November 2015. People tend to walk in, make a bewildered face, poke at a few objects and then walk out. Unlike internet porn, it’s only open on the weekends from 11-7. It also tends to defy categorization. Is

Heather Robinson - Artisanal Trouble Maker 0
19 Feb 2013

Irving Street Cafe in The Inner Sunset

Irving Street Cafe I have a fondness for diners, especially ones situated in working/middle class neighborhoods with a self-contained quality.  These diners aren’t self-consciously retro or ironic, they just ARE.  I’ve previously made mention of a few diners here among the cyber-folds of Broke-Ass Stuart’s Goddamn Website (Art’s Cafe and

Fatt Mink 0
25 Sep 2012

Howard’s Cafe, A True-Blue Diner.

              Don’t order the specials   Howard’s Café is a diner in the Inner Sunset.  Remarkable? Not particularly, and that isn’t to its detriment. American diners represent comfortable familiarity with a twist of that quality us State-Siders would like to think we invented: individuality. 

Fatt Mink 0
04 Sep 2012

Inner Sunset Classic: Art’s Cafe

                  Ye Olde Diner sign in the Inner Sunset Everything about Art’s Cafe is like the legs of a competitive swimmer: streamlined, muscular, each sinew working in harmony towards one goal, and shaved of every superfluity that might get in the way

Fatt Mink 0