K. Flay

Top 20 Bay Area Bands of 2019
I have a love-hate relationship with creating TOP 20 playlists of local bands. On one hand, the playlist becomes my favorite thing to listen to for the next year. Additionally, it makes it super easy for me to recommend bands to friends. I also love posting a link to the playlist in my friend’s Facebook feeds when they say, “tired of my music, I need a new playlist.”

Top 20 Bay Area Bands of 2018 vs 2009
Have your listening habits changed from 2009 to 2019? Following in the trend of 2009 vs 2019, I’ve created a playlist that documents the San Francisco bands I was listening to when I started writing about the Bay Area music scene compared to the bands I just eat breakfast with now.

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

When Drunk Teenagers Took Over Outside Lands 2017
Nothing prepared me for the number of High School students at Outside Lands on Friday. While in line to enter I heard one girl say to her friend, “I can’t wait to get inside, I’m going to make a guy buy me shots.”

Top 20 Bay Area Bands of 2016
If you weren’t listening to these hot Bay Area bands in 2016 you can fix that in 2017.
The year has come to an end … some might say finally, while other is may be wishing for a couple more days. Everybody is focused on what will happen in 2017 but for just a second longer I would like to celebrate 20 bands that released epic songs in 2016.

Broke-Ass Band Interview: K. Flay (Friday @ Popscene!)
I interview broke-ass bands on here every week. I mean real, local, this-might-be-the-only-thing-ever-written-about-them, broke-ass bands. And let’s be honest: most of them are only musicians because they’re not good at anything else. They might not even be good at music. My point is: This week I pulled off a major