
Learn About Dirty Words with the Editor of the Oxford English Dictionary– FREE in Greenpoint
Do you happen to be both a vulgar potty-mouth who swears like a sailor, and a linguistics nerd who loves to learn about the origins of words? Well, you’re in luck– Jesse Sheidlower, Editor-at-Large for the Oxford English Dictionary (and, awesomely, author of a book called The F-Word), will be

Check out Why Participate?, at Flux Factory This Week
Looking at art and overeating are pretty much two of the finest activities in the land. Well, you have a chance to do both for FREE this week by visiting Why Participate?, an exhibition at Flux Factory in Long Island City. A group showing by artists who are concerned with

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Free Talks & Stuff for Dangerous Minds
You have to keep learning to enrich your life. When all crap hits the fan (and I don’t know whether I have a lot of it or just a tiny fan, but it seems to hit quite often), you only have one thing to rely on, and that’s a dynamic

Adult Education: Can Your Wrist Shoot Webs?
Every time I’ve watched an Austin Powers movie, I’ve thought that I’d like to rig my boobs to shoot bullets like the fembots (but with the ability to switch back to regular boobs sometimes). I know this is impossible, as they are robots and I’m not interested in becoming a

A Lecture on the History of the Jewish Deli Tonight
I doubt this was a real ad, but if so, that would be awesome! Simply for the balls it takes to say that shit! photo from adsoftheworld.com I’ll be in New York in less than a week doing preparation for the upcoming Fuck the Recession Party, and you know

All Literary And Shit: Free PEN Int’l Literature Festival
The PEN World Voices of International Literature hits the city in a few days, which means 160 writers over the course of 6 days OR 26.6 writers a day doing conversations, panels, performances, and readings. Obviously that is far too many; an overwhelming choice that leads to paralysis and blocks