Mitch McConnell

Dems Win Both Georgia Senate Seats, GOP Loses Presidency, House, And Senate
On the bright side of a day of deplorable violent MAGA shenanigans, today is the worst day of Mitch McConnell’s life. We had a glimmer of hope the day after the November election, and then Stacey Abrams moved mountains, things looked good last night, and now it’s a done deal.

Georgia Makes History: Warnock Holds Solid Lead, Ossoff in Striking Distance
In races to determine no less than the future of the country, Georgia Senate candidates were neck-in-neck from the moment polls closed and through much of the night. But as the minutes ticked by and Dekalb County reported in, the two Democrats inched closer to victory. By 9:20 p.m. Tuesday,

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

$2,000 Stimulus Payments and Defense Spending at Stake in Senate Showdown
The Senate is in a showdown Tuesday over key pieces of legislation to support struggling Americans and the nation’s defense. The clock is ticking as Congress itches to go on recess and the current session nears its end — newly elected representatives will be sworn in Sunday, less the two

McConnell is a Monster Only Georgia Can Eradicate
By Sunny Dell Senate Majority Leader (and resident grim reaper) Mitch McConnell doesn’t deserve praise for finally acknowledging that Joe Biden is the president-elect. Stating the obvious after the Electoral College voted Monday, well over a month past the election, isn’t an act worthy of some brownie button. What he

How You Can Help Stacey Abrams Take The Senate From Republicans
Should-be Georgia governor and sudden progressive power broker Stacey Abrams looks likely to deliver an unexpected win to Joe Biden in the state of Georgia. But she’s got her eyes on the bigger prize of ditching Mitch McConnell on January 5, 2021. And you can help her end Republican rule

How The Democrats Can Still Win The Senate
It looked like the Democrats blew their supposed “blue wave” to take the Senate on Election Night, but they actually do still have a very narrow path to ditch Mitch McConnell as Senate majority leader. There are still three essentially undetermined races in the Senate, and if all three go

The Battle in the Senate for RBG’s Replacement is Very Scary
It typically takes months to put a new Supreme Court judge in, but with the election coming in just 40 days from today, the Republicans are going to stuff it through. If RBG’s vote turns into an ‘anti Roe v wade vote’, the court will be 5-4 against. We could see an end to abortion rights as we know them, not to mention many other rights the legendary Ginsburg fought for over the decades.

A Recipe for Revolution When Government is Willing to Let Us Starve
By Sunny Dell People talk of revolution like they make New Year’s resolutions. They all sound so committed and serious at first, and then the idea fades away as the days tick by and inconvenience settles in. But what happens when it’s more inconvenient to not revolt, when we have