
The Epidemic Of The “Opinionated” Girl
I am a woman. I have life experience and curiosity, and aspirations, and sexual desires, and an unbelievable amount of resilience. I have no need to ever be validated by any other person; man or woman. Now that that’s established, there is one thing that’s been burning inside of me

My Dating Life as a Transwoman
Last year was a hectic one, recovering from gender confirmation surgery (while writing a show about it), running a theatre company, getting on the scene as a trans actress… So much of my energy was spent working on and talking about becoming a woman in the world that I spent

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Yes, Your Online Dating Matches Do Show Up In Your Facebook ‘People You May Know’
Anyone who’s ever swiped right has probably seen their OKCupid, Tinder, Grindr or other online dating matches appear in their Facebook ‘People You May Know’ sidebar. And then felt a little freaked out by this! Yes, the people with whom you’ve matched in online dating do sometimes appear in

FREE Valentine’s Day Weekend Comedy: Fortress of Attitude presents “Comedy is Back” at QED Astoria
You see that video up there? The evil geniuses that make up Fortress of Attitude put that together. And now they’re putting comedy back together tonight in Astoria, Queens. Here’s the info: Are you curious… about the new Fortress of Attitude comedy show at QED Astoria this Friday, February 13?

Sex and Dating: Should You Google Your Date?
KQED had a recent segment on Googling your dates that got my brain wheels turning. Does knowing more from the start help you find the right person or does it keep you from meeting someone great? The question posed was – Should we stop Googling our dates? Yes. No. Outlook

Dating Without A Voice: Eric Barry Dates With A Jaw Wired Shut (Part 1)
I try to purse my cracked lips open, sputtering through the mesh of teeth and wire. At first it’s just saliva, but then the colors begin to run red. Pressing against the back of my teeth with my tongue, I try to push the refuse through what gaps I can

My 13 Favorite Okcupid Messages
The online dating profile is gone. Sad. And not at all sad. But we had some good times, that profile and me. Or at least a hell of a lot of laughs. My page was decently written. Which, by Okcupid standards, just means that my answer to “what I’m doing

Why You Shouldn’t Date Someone For Free Food.
So close, yet so far. I’ve been in Brooklyn for 5 days now, and I have yet to eat a normal meal. Unless you count pizza, and my very English mother would disown me if I did. It’s not just that I’m broke, or culinarily challenged. There’s also a rabbit