paul madonna

13 Dec 2015

All Over Coffee By Paul Madonna

The Eviction Series
Chapter 11
the curly-haired girl whose parents were footing the bill for her six thousand dollar a month studio apartment, who casually fondled the top button of her blouse as she went over her ten page lease, line by line, asking questions like, “And so, when it says I have to pay a security deposit, what assurance do I get that the landlord is secure?”

06 Dec 2015

All Over Coffee By Paul Madonna

I hit the street angry. I didn’t want to be, but the more I tried to let it go, the angrier I became. A guy was passed out on the sidewalk. As I walked around him, I looked at his shoeless rotting feet and the can of beer in his hand and tried to tell myself that life is full of problems, and that what matters most is not the injustice we feel, but how we comport ourselves in the face of it.

06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
25 Oct 2015

All Over Coffee By Paul Madonna

The Eviction Series
Chapter 9
The waiting room of the Tenant’s Union was packed like a New Delhi train station. It also turned out to be the same room where the civic-minded lawyers who volunteered to counsel renter’s on their rights held court, so I sat down, and for the next three hours listened to the parade of locals ahead of me voicing their housing grievances.

18 Oct 2015

All Over Coffee By Paul Madonna

The Eviction Series
Chapter 8
Someone nudged me and I woke up. I was standing in line at a cafe and had apparently been spacing out. I can’t tell you for how long I’d been there, and really, I don’t even remember coming in

11 Oct 2015

All Over Coffee : By Paul Madonna

The Eviction Series
Chapter 7
I decided to try Oakland. There was a house I was willing to consider listed for 850k—which seemed like a lot of money, especially for having to leave the city, but I needed to feel I was exploring all my options.

16 Aug 2015


I left the open house feeling dizzy—I mean, one-point-eight million dollars for a box? How was I supposed to afford that? Let alone live in something so small?

09 Aug 2015

All Over Coffee By Paul Madonna

  Paul Madonna writes and draws All Over Coffee, the weekly series published in the San Francisco Chronicle and on  His stories and drawings have been published internationally and exhibited in galleries and museums. He is the author of two books, All Over Coffee (City Lights 2007), and Everything

19 Jul 2015

All Over Coffee : Intimate Drawings of San Francisco

Paul Madonna is an artist in San Francisco.  His drawings and words make us think about locations in a different way, a way that is both startling and familiar at the same time. His works are printed in our newspaper, they are sold in our bookstores, and they lay on our coffee tables.  His