Pet Toys

21 Aug 2009

DIY Diva: Cheapo Pet Toys To Please Your Pussy & Puppy

Heyo — the DIY Diva here with this week’s on-the-cheap craftacular project for all you out there in Broke-Assland. Pets are absolutely, positively a luxury and not something for the broke-ass.  Though I am a broke-ass and have a dog.  And, I bet you either have a dog/cat or know

Kate Kotler - DIY Diva 0
14 Aug 2009

DIY Diva: No Sew Fleecie Blankie

Heyo — the DIY Diva here. You know how sometimes, when you’re coming down off of some weird pharmaceutical that a sketchy friend gave you the night before in a dive bar, you get the chills? A new warm blanket would be the thing to have in those situations. This

Kate Kotler - DIY Diva 0