
31 May 2023

Millennials are Replacing Kids with Plants and Pets, and I’m Totally Here for it

Born as an early 90’s baby, I’d say I’m a true millennial. My generation was the one who, unfortunately, was raised with the baby boomers notion that life would be a breeze if you just checked off the boxes. Get a degree, a good job, find a partner (preferably one

Kaitlyn Morrison 0
02 Aug 2021

Sarah Silverman Rebooting ‘Stupid Pet Tricks’ From David Letterman

Fireworks season is over, so your pets are coming out from under the covers or couch again. And just in time, because cable network TBS is reviving the old David Letterman segment “Stupid Pet Tricks” as a full-fledged TV show — with none other than Sarah Silverman as host.  It’s

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
16 Jul 2021

A Certified Aromatherapist Talks Some “Scents” into the Bay Area

Hi and welcome to the BAS Wellness Column! My name is Erynne Elkins and I’m a Well-Being Advocate and Certified Breathwork Facilitator. Every Friday I’ll share a holistic wellness modality available here in the Bay Area. Cheers to good health! How an Aromatic Lifestyle Makes More “Scents” Remember scratch-and-sniff stickers?

Erynne Elkins Chief Well-being Correspondent 0
13 Jul 2021

Beware the Giant Goldfish

Let’s be honest, we don’t have a great record with goldfish. We are notorious for treating the orange carp as if they’re disposable after they serve their purpose as a carnival prize or mode of child bribery. The little guys swimming around in cheap glass jars are often quickly forgotten

04 Sep 2019

San Francisco Veterinary Specialists Call for Support in Negotiation Fight

Less than a week after the country celebrated Labor Day, San Francisco Veterinary Specialists will be out on the street in a demonstration of what fighting for labor rights really looks like. According to an SFVS press release, the group of veterinary specialists: Remain in solidarity in their conviction that

04 Aug 2019

Need A Pet Sitter? Check Out Guardian Angel!

For anyone who has pets, the toughest part about traveling is finding someone to look after your furry or feathered loved one. That’s where Mike Kelly of Guardian Angel Pet Sitters comes in. For over 20 years San Franciscans have been turning to him to take care of their animals while they are away.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
31 Jul 2019

Go Hug a Mutt, Because They’re the Best

Apparently, today is National Mutt Day. Do not attempt to confuse this “holiday” with the banality that is National Avocado Day, which shares the same calendar space but nowhere near the respected caliber. Of all the ridiculous marketing scheme-laden crap we get to “celebrate” in some promotional way, National Mutt

27 Mar 2019

Dogs Are the Key to Single Momma Happiness

Dogs are the best. They just are. Lola (a.k.a. Roo) was the sweetest and prettiest doe-eyed fluff ball anyone could ask for and as a single mother, she was my lifesaver. She came to our family as a rescue from the Mojave Desert and ended up rescuing us. We were