
20 Dec 2017

’Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Mission…

’Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Mission The residents were fretting, and fearing eviction; Their rents were sent to landlords with care In hopes that the sheriff would not soon be there; The techies were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of Amazon deliveries danced

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Bloody Maria, La Loca
11 Sep 2017

BAS Poetry: The Curse of Bloody Maria

Broke-Ass Stuart is now accepting poetry submissions to be featured in the BAS Poetry: Arts & Culture column. Written & curated by Corinne Avganim. Monday, bloody Monday. Not sure about you, but I need a major distraction from reality today. So, I have decided to spend the day embodying Bloody Maria – a graphic

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06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

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Trump big mouth urinals
11 Sep 2017


Broke-Ass Stuart is now accepting poetry submissions to be featured in the BAS Poetry: Arts & Culture column. Written & curated by Corinne Avganim. When I started this column, it was in reaction to an overwhelm of post election feelings. I knew I wasn’t alone and wanted to create a sense of

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Apocalypse scene from X-Men: Apocalypse.
01 Aug 2017


Broke-Ass Stuart is now accepting poetry submissions to be featured in the BAS Poetry: Arts & Culture column. Written & curated by Corinne Avganim. Last week was weird. An IRL Soprano was appointed and dismissed as our country’s Director of Communications. The New York Subway System experienced its own mini apocalypse. And

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28 Jul 2017

BAS Poetry: Animals by Taylor Melligan

Broke-Ass Stuart is now accepting poetry submissions to be featured in the BAS Poetry: Arts & Culture column. Written & curated by Corinne Avganim. Well, that was a doozy of a couple of months, but I’m back with a special two part feature of poetry by fellow San Franciscan, Taylor Melligan. These two

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Photo: 12 O'Clock Boys via Vice
21 Jun 2017

BAS Poetry: A Long Pause in a Small Town

Broke-Ass Stuart is now accepting poetry submissions to be featured in the BAS Poetry: Arts & Culture column. Written & curated by Corinne Avganim. It is HOT in San Francisco, which I’ve decided means I am on a visceral vacation. Sitting in the heat, drinking a cold one, and reading pretty words about

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Culver City Sign City.Expert Photo
07 Jun 2017

BAS Poetry: New Work from Bjorn Winberg

Broke-Ass Stuart is now accepting poetry submissions to be featured in the BAS Poetry: Arts & Culture column. Written & curated by Corinne Avganim. Okay, this is bizarre. In an older post, I mentioned how BAS Poetry has turned my inbox into a treasure trove of pleasant surprises. The latest gem – an email from a

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05 Jun 2017

BAS Poetry: The Songs of Girls

Broke-Ass Stuart is now accepting poetry submissions to be featured in the BAS Poetry: Arts & Culture column. Read on to learn how to submit your 100% original work.   Written & curated by Corinne Avganim Thank you to talented and brave Crystallee Crain (@crystalleecrain) for being the very first poet

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