
Santa Rita Jail COVID Outbreak Highlights Lack of Facility Vaccination
The Santa Rita Jail in Dublin is reporting yet another COVID-19 spike. Of the 44 inmates who recently tested positive, nine are symptomatic. Ten staff members also tested positive. A dismal vaccination rate among staff and inmates is certainly a factor in the current case surge. Sgt. Ray Kelly, an

SF Considers Tighter COVID-19 Restrictions, California Flirts With Lockdown
Gov. Gavin Newsom Monday announced that the state could be headed toward another shelter-in-place order. The news comes as 99 percent of California’s population is already subject to the state’s most restrictive purple tier in the COVID-19 Blueprint for a Safer Economy. That means that more than 39 million California

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Catch The Roxie Mixtape-In-Place Festival
Hey, remember when the Roxie Theater offered people a chance to turn life under quarantine into cinema with its Mixtape-In-Place competition? As it turned out, the response was impressive. Well over 100 submissions of films lasting 3 minutes or less in various genres got submitted for the competition. Since part

Bay Area Family Stranded on Tiny Philippine Island Since the Start of COVID
Back in November 2019, my wife Joyce and I decided to go to Palawan, her home island in the Philippines, to have our daughter Valley. I’m a professional musician, so I came back to California for most of February to play shows and make as much money as I could before returning to finish the process of getting Valley’s American Passport and bringing them home.

New Facebook Sing-a-Long Group Brings Smiles to Neighbors & Essential Workers
Guest Post by Shannon E. Bolt These days, we might think of “essential workers” as the ones who are allowed to imitate normal life beyond their front doors, even though it comes at great risk to their own health. For San Francisco realtor Ilana Minkoff, walking her dog in Cole

The Great American Sesh In: An Online Weed, Music & Art Fest to Fight COVID
Well 4/20 is almost here but due to COVID, there won’t be any big stoney celebration in Golden Gate Park this year. While I imagine there will be a lot of streaming things going on for the holiday, including the rad deals and events Urbana has planned, the biggest happening that

A Live Streamed Show From The Houses of 13 Different Performers
While there are lots of fun live streamed events going on since we’re all basically under house arrest, I thought this one sounded particularly interesting. It’s happening this Friday 4/3. Here’s all the info from the Facebook invite: We know you’re stuck at home and bored out of your mind

Kill Your Ego Before It Kills Someone Else
by Hannah Harkness Hey there, you down in the dark! Thank you for taking the time from your long fictional sports conversation with the stick figure you painted on the wall of your rented apartment to read my article. Personally, I’ve been in a basement room of my apartment I