
Should San Francisco Have An A.I. Mayor?
I try not to use ChatGPT very often. I take pride in being able to do shit myself, but every now and then, I like to see how artificial intelligence sees itself. I asked ChatGPT what San Francisco would be like if we replaced the city’s leaders with artificial intelligence.

Robots and Donuts: The Fantastical World of Artist Eric Joyner
Every colorful art piece was emblazoned with Robots and Donuts. Those Robots were alive! And they were out there doing whatever they damn well pleased. Robots adventuring in the deep jungle alongside pack elephants piled high with giant Donuts…

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

5 Absolutely Bonkers Things Happening in Science
World news lately has been pretty awful. Turns out I’m now illegal in both Uganda and Tennessee. We have governors that scream about culture wars when their states rank near-bottom in all measures. Seems like we’re all existentially trapped in a net of our own making. But at least science

Facebook Robots Suggest The Rich Get The Guillotine
This morning while looking at Facebook on my phone, I landed on this article on Salon about how SF sold out to the monied classes in the last election. After reading the article and going back to my FB feed, a carrousel of suggested articles came up. They included the

Robots are Messing with My Money on The Golden Gate Bridge
Perhaps you’ve already experienced the new Fastrak-only agenda while crossing the Golden Gate Bridge. Perhaps you haven’t. Either way, I feel it’s important to discuss the ramifications of this new non-option when crossing the bridge, even if it’s for no other reason than to warn you that it’s a huge

FREE Booze, Great Art and Robots at Julian Rapp’s Solo Show. Need I Say More?
The clicking of tweets, texts and instagrams echo in the outside air. Textured conversations of expressionism and art deco ring from inside. Maybe I had too much free red wine, maybe not enough, but watching Julian Rapp’s party unfold from a golden beanbag chair in the serene, ivy soaked backyard

Teany Is Anything But Tiny
First things first: how can you not like a tea shop with robots in the window? Second things second, how can you not like a place that has almost 100 teas AND a BYOB policy? Most people know Teany as Moby’s tea shop, which is a good or bad thing

Booze + Robots = BarBot 2010 = Awesomeness
Tomorrow night at the DNA Lounge in SF will be night number one of the 3rd Annual Cocktail Robot Festivial, aka BarBot 2010. Brought to you by the evil geniuses (or is that geni?) responsible for the RoboGames, the festival combines two of every geek-hipster’s favorite things: booze and robots.