Seaport Studios

The Artists Behind Naga & The Captainess: A Burning Man 2024 Highlight
There’s one part of Burning Man that is universally understood – the art installations featured are some of the most incredible in the world. This year, my favorite piece is Naga And The Captainess (Naga), a magnificent 150-foot interactive art installation that blends impeccable craftsmanship with captivating storytelling. Currently being

Person You Should Know: Tony Leo of Proclamation Goods
We’re so lucky to be surrounded by so many talented people in The Bay Area. A few months ago, my friend and I met up at Urban Putt in the mission and nearly the exact moment she arrived she told me of someone I needed to know, Tony Leo. My

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Artist You Should Know: Brian Enright, Industrial Reuse Sculptor
Brian Enright is a working artist and sculptor who creates artwork out of unconventional recycled materials. He designs work that helps you see the connection between yourself and the natural world; objects that start a conversation. Through my interview with him, you’ll learn where he gets his materials (via an

A Permanent Home For Artists: Seaport Studios
This goes out to all the dreamers who have dreamt of permanent creative maker spaces in the Bay Area. While the fabric of The Bay Area’s artistic communities has repeatedly been at risk of being pushed out, a newly formed space called Seaport Studios in Richmond is here to stay.

American Steel Artists Speak About Billionaires Evicting Them
Just 5 years after being purchased by 11-West, one of our most vibrant and imaginative artist communities in Oakland will be emptied out by this summer. The community of large scale industrial artists, fabricators, builders, and makers at American Steel in West Oakland is readying themselves for an upcoming eviction.