star wars

Outer Sunset NIMBYs Mutilate Star Wars Metaphor to Stop a Building
A proposed 20-unit project in the Outer Sunset across 45th Avenue from Outerlands has gotten a local Green Party activist up in arms. The future 3945 Judah St., which would take up a vacant lot that was formerly a gas station, would basically be a model of transit-adjacent urban infill

New Warrior Arena Reportedly ‘NOT’ a New Death Star in Mission Bay
There is new intelligence concerning the 1$ billion dollar arena being built in San Francisco’s Mission Bay, these plans were taken at great cost to, meaning this reporter had to get off his bike, walk into an ‘exit only’ gate, and take a couple pictures before being asked to

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Disney Plays “Solo” Way Too Safe In Tepid Prequel
“Solo: A Star Wars Story” Starring: Alden Ehrenreich, Emilia Clarke, Donald Glover, Paul Bettany, Woody Harrelson, Thandie Newton Director: Ron Howard As I walked into the theater in Times Square Thursday night, you could feel it: Star Wars was in the air. The theater was packed, the crowd was ready

The Cosplay from the Opening Night ‘Solo’ Deserves a Han
San Francisco went full wookie for the premiere screenings of Solo: A Star Wars Story last night. On hand to get pictures, we were, as the Alamo Drafthouse turned into den of scum, villainy, and scruffy-looking nerf herders. Princess Leia has become more powerful than you can possibly imagine since

How Bad Is Stormtrooper Aim? A Statistical Analysis
A frame-by-frame examination of the existing canonical Star Wars films yields a true assessment of what comically poor aim the stormtroopers really have. We went through all of the Star Wars movies in which stormtroopers appear and compared their shots fired to their number of actual hits. While we have

Nerdlesque : Cosplay Strip Tease
By: Hannah Harkness What do Spock, GladOS, Carl Sagan, Hermione, the cast of the Venture Brothers, Finn, Poison Ivy, Sailor Moon, Magneto, Krodos/Kang, Tank Girl, Wonder Woman, Pennywise, Loki, a Storm Trooper, Daria, Delirium, and Silent Hill nurses have in common? I have personally witnessed a striptease act based on all

Watch out! LucasFilm’s Will Sue You For A Lightsaber Battle
This past week, the Lightsaber Battle event, made popular during the release of the latest Star Wars: The Force Awakens film, recieved a cease-and-desist letter from LucasFilms for the use of “infringing words.” According to LucasFilms, the word LIGHTSABER is completely owned by Disney and cannot be used in any

Star Wars Themed Art Show in SF
White Walls Shooting Gallery is featuring a Star Wars themed group show curated by Jeremiah Kille. “12 Parsecs” – a star wars show, in San Francisco