stroy moyd

Stroy Moyd of #HellaFunny Opening New Comedy Club in SF
Bay Area stand-up comedian and founder of #HellaFunny, Stroy Moyd is opening a new comedy club and cocktail bar called The Function in San Francisco this spring! The location is where ‘The Hot Spot’ used to be on Market St. (you know, that amazing dive that used to sell a

Come to My HUGE 20th Anniversary Party!
It’s all going down on 10/13 @ Public Works in SF! This is my 20th year in San Francisco! And to celebrate this milestone, I’m throwing a HUGE party that’s two decades in the making. This party will be full of performances from some of the Bay Area’s brightest local

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

The Highlights and Lowlights of My 40th Bday Roast
Wow…what a night! It’s been a week since Broke-Ass Stuart’s 40th Birthday Roast and I’m just now finally getting this recap together. I’ve got some bad news and some good news for you. The bad news is that we screwed up and ended up not recording the roast. Ugh…I know,

Broke-Ass Stuart’s 40th Birthday Roast!
Broke-Ass Stuart is turning 40, so the Bay Area’s funniest icons and cultural influencers are going to be roasting him online.

Black Laughs Matter! – Featuring SF’s African American Comedians
Come to Rambler SF to get some laughs with some of San Francisco’s Best African American Comedians. This isn’t just a comedy show…it’s also a celebration of cultural diversity in San Francisco. Everyone from every ethnic background is welcome and encouraged to attend.

The F*ck Your New Year’s Resolution Comedy Show is Coming!
This comedy show is FREE! All you gotta do is register right here. New Year’s resolutions — maybe you’re still going to get on them, just not today. Maybe you’ve already thrown in the towel. Or maybe you never made one to begin with. Either way, Broke-Ass Stuart and HellaFunny

Weird & Wonderful: Stroy Moyd Tells us About His Pilot for MTV
Please listen to this newest podcast and share it. Also, make sure to subscribe. Links are below: itunes Google Play Soundcloud We have another great episode of the Weird and Wonderful podcast for you all! This time we have the very funny Stroy Moyd. You might have been to some of

Comedian Stroy Moyd Turns Uber Rideshare into a Dating Game Show
Hilarious local comic Stroy Moyd has turned his day job as an Uber Driver into a fly-by-the-seat of your pants dating gameshow. The pilot video is the perfect combination of awkward & funny, it even has a pretty shocking ending. It’s like if Cash Cab & Singled Out f*cked and