
21 Nov 2024

These Places Will Give You a Thanksgiving Meal if You Can’t Afford One

Hunger sucks. Food is hella expensive, and the statistics are damning. It’s not just homeless people experiencing hunger.

06 Nov 2023

California’s Bizarre Thanksgiving History

BY DAVID COPPIN LANEGAN David Coppin Lanegan (@willybillybilliam, is a writer and musician. Find his SubStack Jawbone here, and his band Wavesons’ music here.  Thanksgiving has been an official holiday in the United States since 1863 when, in the midst of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday in

Guest Writer 0
06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
22 Nov 2022

Read This Before You Eat in a Restaurant on Thanksgiving

Do you want to forgo the hassle of roasting the perfectly golden turkey for Thanksgiving dinner? Is curating an impeccable combination of side dishes and desserts while also getting your home in peak “company’s coming” condition proving too much for you? Then make a reservation for your family at a

Bitchy Waiter 0
23 Nov 2021

Tips and Test Locations for a COVID-Safe Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving is shaping up to be the first real holiday gathering since the pandemic hit the world upside the head in March 2020. People are planning to stuff themselves into kitchens and living rooms with loved ones as they stuff (and likely drink) themselves silly. But that pesky COVID-19

23 Nov 2021

8 Things to Avoid and Discuss this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving seems to have gotten intense the last decade or so. Granted it was always a time fraught with family wide arguments about politics or sports. Maybe someone brought a vegan home or a person of color to a family with beneath the surface racisms. But this year has been

Sonny Curtin 0
18 Dec 2020

SF COVID Cases Up 50% Since Thanksgiving

That’s a pretty striking headline isn’t it? I saw this info on the new publication Public Comment and had to share it. You should check them out. The moral of the story though is that Americans are stupid and selfish and we keep doing idiotic things and then wonder why

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
23 Nov 2020

What Your Server Wants You to Know About Eating in a Restaurant on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is here and with the Center for Disease Control strongly advising people to not travel for the holiday this year in order to lower the risk of getting and spreading COVID-19, more people may be searching for a restaurant to eat in instead. Depending on where you live and

Bitchy Waiter 0
11 Aug 2020

Brach’s ‘Turkey Dinner Candy Corn’ Is Here To Make 2020 Even More Terrible

The year’s most horrifying Halloween apparition is bloodcurdling its way to candy aisle shelves across America, according to top candy blogs and experts. Candy Hunting, the hard-hitting confection industry investigative journalists who’ve uncovered such sickening scandals as Mountain Dew-flavored Doritos and Wendy’s Baconator Pringles, now report the existence of Brach’s

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0