After 40 Consecutive Tinder Dates, Jamy Madison Tells How to Meet Great People
There are two questions people ask me right off the bat when I tell them I just completed 40 Tinder dates in 40 days…
6 Things That Would Happen on the Modern Day Re-Boot of Friends
Yes, broke asses, your childhood is becoming more and more of a distant memory. A new television season is in full swing. It is fall season right now, and as we celebrate new and returning shows, like Gotham—and all of its intimidating posters splattered across all of Manhattan—Friends became 20 years old.
I Need To Get Real With You for a Minute
I need your help to keep BrokeAssStuart.com going. In 2024, we wrote over 800 articles and published over 4,000 social media posts serving the San Francisco Bay Area. We’ve covered striking workers, fine artists, corrupt politicians, fantastic drag performers, colorful weirdos, cherished small businesses, and the vital news that the
Sex and Dating: Should You Google Your Date?
KQED had a recent segment on Googling your dates that got my brain wheels turning. Does knowing more from the start help you find the right person or does it keep you from meeting someone great? The question posed was – Should we stop Googling our dates? Yes. No. Outlook
Reasons Why Your Tinder Profile is Horrible
I’m posting my profile to give you the option of making fun of me back. If this is the first time you’re hearing about Tinder, I promise it won’t be the last, especially if I have your phone number. About a month ago I accidentally pushed the wrong button and