
There’s a Presidential Debate Watch Party at the Drive-in!
To be totally honest, watching the last presidential debate was excruciating. I didn’t know I could hate Donald Trump any more than I already did, but he sure managed to make me do it. If you can stomach watching a toddler, masquerading as the President of the United States, yell

Trump Falls For ‘Dr. I.P. Freely’ Joke On Bogus COVID-19 Scientist Study
In news that would be funny, if not for the 216,000 dead Americans and more than a million dead from coronavirus worldwide, the Trump administration is touting a “scientific analysis” signed by doctors with very obviously fake names. The New York Times reports that the White House is promoting a

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

How to Make Sure Your Vote is Secure and Properly Counted
As you’ve probably read, the GOP is doing all kinds of nefarious things to suppress votes like slow down the post office (which messes with mail-in voting during a pandemic) and disqualifying valid voters.

Confirmed: Trump Totally Had COVID Onstage With Joe Biden At Debate
Kamala Harris needs to be awfully damned careful around vice president Mike Pence at their debate, because these Republicans will totally take the stage unmasked, with a raging case of COVID-19, and hate-spewing infected droplets in every direction. A tiny detail five paragraphs deep into a Tuesday Bloomberg article ”Trump’s

13 GOP Scandals You Might Have Missed During Trump’s Walter Reed Debacle
This list is going around FB so I figured I’d share it with links so people can verify exactly how evil and corrupt the GOP is. Here is the news we would’ve heard this weekend had Walter Reed not dominated the headlines: – Coronavirus is surging anew in several states

Why Would Any Jew Be a Republican?
As a Jew, a loud obnoxious one at that, I’m also repeatedly flabbergasted that other Jews are Republicans. I’m not talking about the people who believe in small government and lower taxes – while I don’t agree with them, we can have a dialogue about our ideological differences. It’s the entire rest of the party that is so vile.

Donald Trump Thinks Waiters Know More Than Scientists
At long last, the opinions of waiters finally matter! For years, we couldn’t even convince people to listen to us when we told them that the sizzling plate of fajitas was hot and we’d watch customer after customer reach out and scald their hands, but now we have the ear

Melania’s New ‘Renovated’ White House Rose Garden Already Falling Apart After Only 17 Days
Nothing says “Trump” quite like an overpriced and unnecessary construction job where contracts are directed towards cronies, and shit starts falling apart mere weeks after the job is completed. Yet another example of terrible Trump workmanship has come to light, as CNN reports that Melania Trump’s new renovated White House