
Oakland Zoo Gives Away Free Vaccinations and Free Family Passes at Sunday Clinic
The Oakland Zoo is not only giving you the chance to take care of that vaccination this weekend, but they’ll throw in a fat family entry pass with parking for your trouble. The pop-up clinic on Sunday at the zoo’s Zimmerman Auditorium is administering first doses to all eligible teens

How To Make Sure You’re Entered In The $116 Million California Vaccine Lottery
California is awarding $1.5 million apiece to 10 lucky Californians who’ve gotten the COVID-19 vaccine. The cash drawings start this Friday, June 4, where 15 vaccinated Californians will win $50,000 apiece. Then next Friday, June 11, shit gets real real when another 10 Californians win $1.5 million each, as the

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Anti-Vaxxers Turn to Masks for Protection From Vaccinated People
Anti-vaxxers are taking things to a new extreme, with many suggesting they adopt mask and social distancing methods to protect themselves against…wait for it…other vaccinated people. If vaccinated people cause you more fear than the virus itself, you might be trapped in the conspiracy Q-hole. While still in the development

Some Bay Area Counties Pause Use of Johnson and Johnson Vaccine Over Blood Clot Concerns
A “rare and severe” blood clot condition, medically known as a thromboembolic event, has emerged in six people who have received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in the U.S., prompting the federal government to call for a pause in its use until further the issue can be further investigated. The

Newsom Says California Could Fully Reopen by Mid-June
On Monday, Gov. Gavin Newsom said that California now has the lowest COVID-19 test positivity rate in the country. He followed up Tuesday with an announcement that he’s hoping to fully reopen the state by June 15. That target date is scheduled exactly two months after vaccine eligibility is extended

Contra Costa County Starts Vaccinating All Residents 16 and Older
As of Tuesday, all residents and those who work in Contra Costa County age 16 and older can schedule COVID-19 vaccination appointments. The sudden move comes just seven days after the county dropped eligibility age to 50. The county credits the expansion to a recent influx of vaccine doses received

Reminder: You Are Not ‘Fully Vaccinated’ Until 2 Weeks After Your Shot
It’s great to see so many people posting their shots of themselves getting the vaccine shot (though seriously, don’t show any personally identifiable information on your vaccination card). But people, you are not instantly immune to COVID-19 once you get the vaccine, and it takes two full weeks for the

Biden Saves Summer With Major Vaccine Announcement
President Joe Biden came out swinging on the vaccine front Tuesday with an announcement that he’s invoking the Defense Production Act to ramp up dose manufacturing with a goal of having enough supply to vaccinate all U.S. adults by the end of May. If all goes as planned, life could