
This San Francisco Show Explores Palestinian Futures
On Wednesday, December 20, sound healers, writers, and many more will hold space in a Mission District gallery to dream of what Palestine might be like in 20 years, 100 years, the future. “Voices of Palestinian Futures” is an integrated program featuring six Palestinian artists exploring what lies in store

Is Berkeley Gaslighting Us About Nuclear Bombs?
I remember the first time I noticed the “Nuclear Free Zone” signs suspended directly above the Berkeley City Limits markers as you enter town, and I remember finding them peculiar and kind of unnecessary. There are no nuclear bombs or nuclear power plants anywhere near the City of Berkeley, so

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Why We Shouldn’t Advocate For War With Russia (or China)
The only type of news we get is bad news these days. 2020 felt like the beginning of a doomsday film that unfortunately turned into a franchise and no matter how badly we don’t want to watch the movies, we’re forced to. It’s like we all live in The Fast

Invading Afghanistan Remains a Historically Bad Idea
by Charles Irwell It’s approaching cliche among historians and history buffs to say that Afghanistan is unconquerable. However, its reputation as the toughest nut to crack in geo-politics – from the Parthian Empire until now – is not meritless. For most Americans, Afghanistan first permeated the national psyche during the

The War on Clap: How the Allies Fought VD
by Charles Irwell There’s a wonderful phrase that the idiot-savants at the British Army Rumour Service, or ARRSe, love to employ to describe something truly invincible. That term is squaddy proof. The thinking goes something like this: you can build something, spend billions testing it in civilian circles, and claim (and

The War Has Evolved and We Are Losing
It was 18 years ago today when two planes crashed through the World Trade Center towers and killed nearly 3,000 people. The traumatic scene was aired on every news outlet across the nation. It would replay in real time every Sept. 11 morning after. It was a day that would

We wanna send you and a friend to see WAR and Los Lonely Boys at Mountain Winery!
WAR is a rock band from Los Angeles. In late 1971 WAR released All Day Music, the title track would be the group’s first hit single, and their first gold single “Slippin’ Into Darkness” followed propelling the album to over 1 million sales and a winning streak that would continue

Humpday Video: M.I.A. “Born Free”
We here at Broke-Ass Stuart remember when there was an entire network devoted to playing awesome new music videos. Men named Pinfield and women named Idalis would introduce block after block of original music videos from various genres interspersed with super fucking edgy interviews with musicians and video directors, which