White Privilege

07 Jun 2022

Caffeinated But Not Woke: How White Fragility Pervades The Workplace

WRITTEN BY: HABIBI BRIDGES I was a new hire at a local coffee shop here in San Francisco that outwardly prides itself on its wokeness, but ironically has a history of scandal involving racism and sexism. I noticed many of my coworkers making jokes that would be considered inappropriate if

Guest Writer 0
17 Mar 2019

What the College Scams Show About White Privilege

Why the mention of Whiteness? Well, for us Black and Brown people we’ve seen these concepts and scenarios far too often. We know the stench of White privilege. It reeks. We know the masquerade of White mediocrity-as-excellence, we’ve been told we don’t work hard enough, and we’ve heard the preaching of bootstraps and hard work and merit. It’s a myth.

Jamal Frederick - Second Hand Scribe 0
06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
10 Aug 2017

The Dangerous Myth of the Super Teacher

Created by Hollywood and sustained by the internet, the Super Teacher has taken many forms over the years. Initially, they were strictly a thing of the silver screen. When I tell people (especially older people) that I am a teacher in an inner-city school, they are quick to bring up

Jesse McGrath 0
03 Aug 2017

Trump’s Attack on Affirmative Action is Classic Racism

The history of America is a history of affirmative action for white people. Now Trump and Sessions are pretending that whites are the victims in University admission processes.

27 Jul 2017

Exploring Racial Justice in the Whitest County in California

Tips for Well-Meaning White People concerning racism. Hey, it’s a start. Political correctness left us ill equipped to see and speak up about racial injustice, but too many lives are at stake to remain silent.

Meri Mohr 0
25 Jul 2017

The Brooklyn Bar that Defines Gentrification, & The Locals Fighting it

Pretend bullet holes in the wall, 40oz’s of Rosé, designed by a white, corporate tax lawyer

Tiana Miller 0
09 Aug 2016

Dear White People…(an Open Letter to all Deniers of White Privilege).

Dear White People, With the current events happening in our country, there are thousands of articles, videos and Facebook posts that explain the Black Lives Matter Movement, white privilege and racism. There are people who think (wrongfully) that BLM is a movement against white people and police. In response to

Penelope Hernandez 0
13 Jul 2016

This is What White Privilege Looks Like

I’ve never been pulled over simply for being White. I have been pulled over for speeding 4 times, but I only got ticketed once. Two of those times happened out of state, and I had weed in the car in states where it’s illegal. My car wasn’t searched despite the

Neek Carmella 0