wine bottles

13 Jun 2012

DI-Wine Part Two: Stoppers and Storage

Perhaps unsurprisingly, I am not yet done talking about wine, or wine-related crafts. In fact, one of the many items on my Geez-I-Wish-I-Had-Enough-Time-To-Do List is to start a drunken craft group inspired by some dear friends in Portland who have been knockin’ ‘em back and getting crafty for a while

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0
06 Jun 2012

DI-Wine: Tags and Bags

Several years ago, a roommate and I were making a Trader Joe’s run when the cashier looked at the conveyer belt (which held many, many bottles of wine and …some food) then asked us, “Where’s the party?” We’re not sure if he was disappointed or impressed when we told him

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0