The Nite Owl

8 Complaints About Being Gay in San Francisco
It’s a sin when success complains. That’s how I feel as a gay man who moved to San Francisco from what Californians affectionately call “flyover country.” It’s pretty damn great, living here. So what if everything closes at 2am (#4) and there aren’t any bathhouses to go to (#5). Compared

Employees Save Jack London Square’s Favorite Pub, Sláinte Oakland
I’m sure you’d agree that the hallmarks of a great Irish pub include great drinks, a thriving community, authentic Irish food and live music. Sláinte Oakland in Jack London has all of that but its origin story and remarkable revival following the closure in 2023 is what gives this place

Bring Back Trespassing, For San Francisco’s Sake
The #sfdoomloop is a media dogpile that feels at times like a character assassination. The story going around is the city is dead or dying. With local politicians vying for tech and other profitable industries to (re)invest, it seems that way. Tech is never coming back, and these uninspired bids

Ruby Room in Oakland REOPENS!
The journey from impending closure to salvation is a testament to the resilience of community spirit and the enduring legacy of this iconic Oakland establishment.

Oakland’s Golden Bull is Teetering on the Brink of Closure
Here we are, years after Covid started closing doors of favorite venues across The Bay Area and we’re still feeling the continued impact of the pandemic’s wrath. Today, we learned that a beloved Oakland venue, The Golden Bull, is on the brink of closure and are reaching out to us

How I Went Out In SF And Didn’t Go Broke
The city is alive again with stylish people out and about and well dressed. Last week in San Francisco, spring was everywhere I looked. As the abbreviated days of winter give way to the unpretentiously crisp city nights of March, loose cherry blossom petals speckle the sidewalks along side where

Red Hots Burlesque Wrecks Conventions With Body TABOO defiance
Red Hots Burlesque just had its 10th anniversary, but also spawned a new multimedia midnight cabaret incarnation that will make Union Square weird as hell this Saturday night. Body TABOO defiance defies normal description, but producer Dottie Lux tells, “It’s a performance art showcase of different interdisciplinary performance artists

The Future of Horror Is Bright
By Jonas Barnes When I first laid eyes on “The Exorcist“, I shit my pants. Was it fear or was it the fact that I was a 6 year old? I guess we’ll never know the answer to that question. It did, however, set off a chain of events that