
03 Jan 2023

Clear Lake Volcano More Active Than Previously Thought

In June I wrote about the threat to San Francisco posed by Mount Konocti, specifically the Clear Lake Volcanic Field. People seem to have forgotten the volcano, I lamented. Our earthquakes, landslides, and wildfires tend to overshadow California’s windows to the furnace churning beneath our feet. Scientists previously estimated the

Jake Warren 0
20 Dec 2022

Why Did(n’t) MyShake Warn Me?

The noise woke my partner first. I heard it distantly, still ascending from the depths of a REM cycle. Its robotic voice, preceded by a red-alert siren, warned of impending shaking. Knowing that it’s safest to stay in bed if an earthquake strikes at night, we looked at each other

Jake Warren 0
13 Dec 2022

Can The Drought Teach Us About San Francisco’s Housing Crisis?

I’m sure you’ve seen the weather lately. It’s been raining on and off since mid-November. Soaking rains washed over the Bay Area these past couple weekends, reminiscent of wet seasons past. Forecasters say another storm system should move in this Friday. It is hoped this seemingly plentiful rainfall will reduce

Jake Warren 0
07 Dec 2022

Twitter CEO Elon Musk Reportedly Forcing Workers to Sleep On-Site

Twitter is allegedly forcing its few remaining employees to sleep in makeshift bedrooms at its Market Street headquarters. A whistleblower alerted San Francisco’s 311 service, backed up by a Forbes report that described conference rooms rudely converted to “modest bedrooms featuring unmade mattresses, drab curtains and giant conference-room telepresence monitors.” Anonymous employees

Jake Warren 0
30 Nov 2022

Mauna Loa Ends Thirty-Eight-Year Silence

After months of seismic unrest, Hawai’i’s largest volcano Mauna Loa began erupting.  At 11:30 PM Sunday evening, the floor of Moku‘āweoweo, Mauna Loa’s enormous caldera, split open. Lava soon flooded the crater and spilled out on the mountain’s broad, rocky slopes. Scientists familiar with the truly massive volcano (33,500+ feet

Jake Warren 0
15 Nov 2022

Would You Share Your Intrusive Thoughts?

A recent trend with a storied past has emerged with a new phrase in its mouth. Intrusive thoughts are fetching social media buzz. Facebook groups, Instagram stories, BuzzFeed and YouTube videos, all getting it wrong. You don’t lose sleep, stop eating, and consider suicide because of some stupid impulse or

Jake Warren 0
28 Sep 2022

The Other Unexpected Hazard on San Francisco’s Streets

San Francisco is not the Windy City, nor is it the state’s deadliest for pedestrians (that nefarious award goes to Concord, California). Nevertheless, the City by the Bay contains several spots where strange weather, extreme geography, and a rigid urban grid intersect. Two maps, one of our breeziest streets, the

Jake Warren 0
20 Sep 2022

SFPD to Investigate String of Explosions

A series of explosions throughout the city center have finally prompted San Francisco Police to investigate.  For years now, day and night, the booming detonations of so-called “small devices” have added to the downtown soundscape. Last Saturday at around 3:50 PM, Tenderloin residents reported yet another powerful blast. Car alarms

Jake Warren 0