Jordannah Elizabeth - Commonwealth Columnist

12 Nov 2014

How to Survive as a Broke-Ass Writer: What Editor’s Want

Before I became a professional editor and journalist, I was a super green blogger trying to build an impressive portfolio. I have achieved all that I have because I had a few editors and writers in my life who were incredible mentors. Scott Schultz of L.A. RECORD and Thomas Murphy

Jordannah Elizabeth - Commonwealth Columnist 0
05 Aug 2014

How to Successfully be a Professional Hostel and Couch Surfer

So, I’ve been on the road as a writer and musician for a little over a decade. The first time I officially became homeless I was 19 years, and the first time I ran away from home I was 15. I have always been a transient person. Working and moving

Jordannah Elizabeth - Commonwealth Columnist 0
21 Jul 2014

How to Survive as a Broke-Ass Writer: What to Do When You’re Robbed and Displaced

I recently had my $2,000 2011 Macbook Pro literally stolen right from under me. I was living in some ghetto loft hostel space in the Tenderloin near Great American Music Hall, and I was relatively content there until the shady owner of the place began to raise the rates…and of

Jordannah Elizabeth - Commonwealth Columnist 0