Arts and CultureBoozeNew York

Gansevoort Rooftop and Adidas Party Giftbags

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I’ve spent the past few days neglecting your pickled livers with posts about filmmakers, workshops, and literary panels so I guess I need to reel some of you back with a bucket of chum and a dash of glam.  The problem is, I’m finding free a little hard to track down today.

Networking Thing on Roof
I just wrote about faking class in the name of free appetizers at Darbar Grill, so why shift gears?  Tonight there is a free networking event (puke) on the Gansevoort Hotel (puke dribble) rooftop (fist pump).  Dress professionally because no jeans or sneakers are allowed and ask for Eric Vega when you get upstairs.  Unless you meet a girl rocking the pant suit or the crowd has jumped into the footbath pool, I’d say leave at 8pm and check out the open rum and redbull bar below.

Where: Gansevoort Hotel Rooftop (18 9th Ave)
When: 6-11:30 pm
FREE with RSVP: OR 917 528 7996

Giftbags and Rum @ Adidas Store
The New Classics tour is having a music listening party at the Adidas Originals Store in SOHO.  Music till 7 with Red Bull, but the 10Cane Rum starts flowing at 8.  You can print the flyer to get 20% of all products except…just read the flyer.  Probably worth the gift bag.

Where: Adidas Originals Store (136 Wooster Street)
When: Music 4-7 with Red Bull,  Complimentary Rum Cocktails 8-10 pm

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Darbar Grill: Upscale Indian with FREE appetizers and drink specials

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FREE MoMA, Earth Fair at Grand Central, Natalie Portman