Arts and CultureNew York

FREE Naughty by Nature Show…In Staten Island

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In the third grade, one of my classmates said something that rhymed with 'œOPP,' so I naturally responded singing 'œYeah you know me'' I was severely disappointed when she didn’t get my Naughty by Nature reference; apparently she hadn’t spent her weekend watching the same MTV countdown I had. I’ve heard 'œOPP' more often since moving to Brooklyn than when the song first came out, and everyone else at roof top dance parties knows the words.

While roof top parties are true New York style, so is seeing big name acts for absolutely nothing. Tonight, Naughty by Nature is playing a free show in Mahoney State Park in Staten Island. If that’s not worth a ferry ride, I’m not sure what is. It’s the first time where I’m calling the four-footed chicken in the Staten Island Museum the second coolest thing on the island.

Third grade me is excited that their show is on a playground

Naughty by Nature
Mahoney State Park, Staten Island
Jersey Street, between Crescent Avenue and Cleveland Street
Wednesday, August 19, 7pm

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Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher

After years of denial, Kiley has finally admitted to baring a striking resemblance to Velma from Scooby Doo. Instead of traveling in a van hunting ghosts, she prefers wandering on foot in search of tacos, cheap beer, and fake birds. Growing up in Portland, Kiley enjoyed the balance of urban and green spaces. Then she spent her four years at Ithaca College, and found herself craving more sprawling asphalt in her life. So she moved to Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where most of the buildings look like they're about to collapse. Kiley's favorite activities include: getting lost, crafting, sewing, biking, and geeking out at museums. Her love of taxidermy probably makes her a terrible vegetarian, but she doesn't care.