AdviceDIYEatsNew York

Learn to Make Your Own Yogurt

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I grew up with a Greek step-family.  Despite the many years of being in close proximity to Greeks, I am still markedly not '˜one of them’.  I have a Papou but no grasp of the language.  I drink Ouzo in Astoria but can’t shake my thing like a bellydancer.  I have reconciled myself to the fact that no matter the massive quantities of spanikopita I eat, nothing is going to give me olive skin.  In a final attempt at assimilation I have turned to Greek yogurt.

When I first tried Greek yogurt I hated it.  I thought it was too tangy, tart and thick.  Slowly but surely I have developed a taste for it.  To be honest, it is not just a taste for it, more like, an obsession.

Authors note: you may be noticing that this follows in form with my other post about being obsessed with seltzer water.  What can I say? I seem to have an addictive personality and am thankful that I made it out of my teen years without a more serious problem.

Note to Dr. Drew: HELP ME!

The only real problem with being addicted to G-yogurt is that it is at least twice as expensive as regular yogurt.  Finally, the 15 dollar a day yogurt habit began to get me down until the internet in its infinite wisdom taught me how to MAKE IT MYSELF!
Now, my disclaimer stands that I am not much of a culinary talent.  I can turn even the most child-appropriate recipe into a disaster.  I reduce apple crisp to applesauce & dust.  The point is, making yogurt is easy.

All you need is the yogurt you like and milk. You simply heat the milk (not to boiling), let it cool and add (and stir in) the yogurt you like.  Cover it and keep it warm either in a crock pot, in your stove (off) or right on your kitchen counter.  Let your concoction sit for 6 hours or, like me, until it looks like it is thickening.  When it thickens, you have yogurt.  It’s like friggin magic.  To get the Greek style consistency all you do is strain it.  I use a paper towel.

There are many other ways to make yogurt including using a powdered '˜starter’ you can purchase at a cooking store.  For great recipes check out

If you find you are yogurt-ly challenged you can also find some delicious, gourmet, local, organic kinds at your local fancy grocery like Marlow and Daughters and/or the The Meat Hook in Brooklyn.

When my first vat was done all I could say was 'œIt’s just like real yogurt!'

They always say you are what you eat.  Greeks, eat your hearts out.

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Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer

Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer

Christine was born and raised in the land of the Pilgrims, Plymouth, Massachusetts. She turned in her buckled shoes when she moved to NYC to attend NYU. From that esteemed University she received her BFA in theatre as well as a Master's Degree in Performance Studies in 2004.
Now an actor, writer and broke ass day-jobber, Christine juggles her many personas with the elegance of a red panda. specifically the one in the Prospect Park Zoo . . . soooooo cute! She can be found most often in her own habitat on the Northside of Williamsburg, Brooklyn.