AdviceArts and CultureEatsNew York

Free Reading, Treats and Help With Dinner

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

I believe that people fall under two categories'

Those who eat cereal for dinner.
Those who do not.

I fall under the former.  I craft suppers out of the sparsest of cabinets.  If it is up to me, I am happy to scrounge up some small, homogeneous scraps to tide me over. Oatmeal, in my mind makes a fine dinner.  Cheese and crackers is a feast.  It doesn’t matter if it is hot or cold, animal, vegetable or mineral'I will eat it, and it will be dinner.  Its not that I don’t like well prepared food'it is just that it never seems worth it to prepare myself.

My husband on the other hand would never dream of eating something as paltry as cereal for dinner.  He requires a well-crafted meal to sustain him.  When he cooks there is always a soup course'A SOUP COURSE! Unfortunately for him, he expects the same meal ethic when I am on dinner duty.  As a result, we eat out a lot.

But help may have arrived'

Thursday February 25 Cathy Erway will be reading and discussing her new book, The Art of Eating In: How I Learned to Stop Spending and Love the Stove, at WORD (bookstore) in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.  Her blog,  '˜Not eating out in NY’ , is a fascinating mix of recipes,  social commentary and broke-ass survival.  All the recipes include cost breakdown per serving, '˜brownie points’ which connote a foods’ overall health and '˜green points’ which rate environmental impact.  Amazingly, it puts mealtime into an economic, social, and personal context all at the same time'and the food looks damn tasty too.  By listening to Cathy and eating the '˜treats’ that are promised at said FREE event, I am hoping to learn skills that will help me bridge my marital culinary rift'. and save money while doing it.   I am hoping if I buy her book I too can craft economically responsible dinners made up of more than one ingredient'.just please don’t ask for a soup course.

Cathy Erway Reading with FREE Treats
126 Franklin St @ Milton St.
[Greenpoint, Brooklyn]
7:30-9:30 pm

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Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer

Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer

Christine was born and raised in the land of the Pilgrims, Plymouth, Massachusetts. She turned in her buckled shoes when she moved to NYC to attend NYU. From that esteemed University she received her BFA in theatre as well as a Master's Degree in Performance Studies in 2004.
Now an actor, writer and broke ass day-jobber, Christine juggles her many personas with the elegance of a red panda. specifically the one in the Prospect Park Zoo . . . soooooo cute! She can be found most often in her own habitat on the Northside of Williamsburg, Brooklyn.