Arts and CultureBoozeEatsNew York

Saturdays – Forgo Adulthood at the Knitting Factory

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

Let’s just get it out of the way right now: adulthood sucks. There’s insurance you’re not eligible for, careers you’re unqualified for, and you just don’t get that Justin Bieber (though he’s much more awesome slowed down 800%). Wouldn’t it be nice to go back to the time when your biggest commitment was watching Thundercats each week and you had a philosophy on what was the best Lucky Charm marshmallow? Thankfully, the Knitting Factory is here with Toons, Spoons, and Booze.

When your hangover’s a never-ending nightmare sometimes it’s nice to sit down and let your brain go to youthful mush. You’re too broke to afford eggs benedict and were probably going to eat Cap’n Crunch anyway, might as well be FREE. Plunking down in front of the Knitting Factory’s nice, big screen and watching the Fraggles do whatever the hell it was they did all day can help ease the pain. Well, that and what the flier so aptly entitles 'œadult beverages,' which in this case is cheap beer and White Russians. Being a kid may have been awesome, but why give up the best part of being an adult?

Spoons, Toons, and Booze at the Knitting Factory
361 Metropolitan Ave. @ Havemeyer St. [Williamsburg]

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Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy

I've lived in New York all my life, and been a cheap ass for longer.