Arts and CultureNew York

Goldstar = Good Deals

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

So, there’s this discount site called Goldstar and apparently a lot of people have already heard of it. Have you? Well, why didn’t you tell me about it? And if you haven’t either, then this article is for you.

Goldstar works with 4,000 venue partners and producers across the country to offer the world’s largest selection of half priced tickets. I’ve only been a member – which is free to do – for two weeks and have received offers for wine tastings at Vintage Irving, shows at the Iridium Jazz Club, New York Knicks tickets, discounts at the New York Film Festival, theater (puppet theater, if you want to get all specific), and more. The site exists in other cities but you can tailor the listings to only show in your area, and in an RSS feed at that. They’re not brokers; they’re just helping these places get rid of tickets that may otherwise go unsold. And YOU get to benefit! Give yourself a high five (hint: it’s a clap).

There are a lot of NYC-oriented discount sties, but among other things I like this one because of its eclectic range of events. I first joined to take advantage of a Circle Line Cruise up the Hudson River to Bear Mountain to explore my surroundings, reconnect with nature and also there was a free Oktoberfest waiting for us when we got there. The price was $30 after taxes instead of $60, which meant more stein money and happier passengers. Another thing I like is that Goldstar sent a reminder email the Thursday before with the confirmation number in case I had forgotten or lost the email, which I obviously had.

I also appreciate that the site has a user review component that people actually use; which if I had read I would have known to bring a jacket and also not to expect actual German wares of any kind being sold at the Oktoberfest, mostly just coyote sweatshirts and clocks made out of old vodka bottles.

So, now you must do the right thing. Don’t leave your friends in the dark about this great site as mine had done to me for so long. Share your wisdom and who knows, you just might be the key to the Sky Vodka bottle clock they’ve been searching for for so long.

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Jill S.

Jill S.

Jill is an Ohio native and Boston University graduate who refuses to stop saying "pop" and wearing her Red Sox gear despite being heckled for doing so since moving to Brooklyn. She's been honing her thrifty ways since doing that silly thing people talk about when they ignore reason to follow their hearts and chose a career in the fulfilling but faltering music industry. She earns her beer money as a publicist and writer, and spends her spare time cooking, biking, and trying to decide if she's ready to get a cat.