BoozeMusicNew York

Free Brooklyn Vegan Party this Saturday

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

This week is CMJ week, which likely means nothing to the average reader of this website because as anyone who as ever attempted to purchase a CMJ badge knows, the things are painfully expensive. But not everything that happens as a part of the CMJ Festival will bankrupt you, and fortunately, some of it is even free.

Converse is teaming up with Brooklyn Vegan this Saturday to throw a FREE dual-staged day party at Public Assembly in Brooklyn. In keeping with Brooklyn Vegan’s musical slant, the event will be accompanied by the work of approximately fifteen musicians you have likely never heard of. Some guy named Ted Leo is playing at 1 PM, for example, and is supposed to end at 1:45 so he’s likely an established musician with more than five songs. Wild Nothing is playing, and so is Tidus Andronicus. Marnie Stern will also be in attendance, closing out the party at 5 PM.

Better yet, the event will be stocked with free breakfast burritos and empanadas, Firefly Vodka and bourbon, Magic Hat, and some other stuff that you probably won’t get to the event in time to even see someone with. A tip? Get there early.

Brooklyn Vegan @ Public Assembly
70 North 6th St, Brooklyn
Saturday October 23
12 PM – 6 PM

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