New York

FREE Stargazing Tonight in Central Park

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

Usually the first thing I like to do as night falls when I’m visiting other places is look up. Like, at the SKY. TO SEE STARS. ‘Member those? Those twinkly little reminders of our oh-so-insignificant place in the world are seldom seen in our great big apple, putting them right beside dishwashers in the awe-inspiring category.

Tonight, however, our sky’s aligned for a spectacular view thanks to the upcoming Vernal Equinox, and the Central Park Conservancy and Amateur Astronomers Association want to show you how with some Stargazing. Starting at 6:30PM, professionals at this BYOB event (that’s Bring Your Own Binoculars for all you stargazing newbies) will point out constellations, clusters, and maybe a Starman or two. Fear not those without ‘noc’s, they’ll also show you things seen with the naked eye and will apparently have a bigass telescope, too. If it’s cloudy, they’ll opt for an indoor lecture and slide-show.

Thursday, March 10th. 6:30PM. FREE.
Central Park’s Charles A. Dana Discovery Center (enter at 110th Street and 5th Ave)
[Upper East Side]

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Jill S.

Jill S.

Jill is an Ohio native and Boston University graduate who refuses to stop saying "pop" and wearing her Red Sox gear despite being heckled for doing so since moving to Brooklyn. She's been honing her thrifty ways since doing that silly thing people talk about when they ignore reason to follow their hearts and chose a career in the fulfilling but faltering music industry. She earns her beer money as a publicist and writer, and spends her spare time cooking, biking, and trying to decide if she's ready to get a cat.