Arts and CultureNew York

Broke-Ass Pop Culture: Thanksgiving Cliches

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

First of all, I hope you all had a super Thanksgiving. And if you’re waiting in the checkout line with a cart full of Black Friday doorbuster deals, you are crazy.

For my family’s get together yesterday, I decided to make a dessert. I’m not the best cook in the world, but I enjoy making baked goods. So I pulled my pumpkin cake out of the oven… and about 10 minutes later it caved in… it was undercooked. I felt like a failure… but more importantly, I was the Thanksgiving cliche. I’m the youngest of 4 kids… and it’s pretty much always expected that I’ll mess up in some way (especially when it comes to cooking). I don’t say that to solicit sympathy from you… it’s just a fact… and an AWESOME transition into my top 10 list of Thanksgiving sitcom cliches!

These all happened in popular sitcoms (some shows had more than one… ouch). See how many happened to you this year:

1) The “gang” gets together to play football in the local park.
2) Someone forgets an important ingredient for cooking/baking and sends a spouse/significant other to retrieve it (bonus if the weather is nasty).
3) Secrets feel the need to come to the surface (OR origin stories come out).
4) While feeding the homeless/underprivileged youths, a D-list celebrity or two show up in the nick of time with a turkey /a dessert/ extra helpers.
5) Whoever was holding a grudge against someone else sees where they went wrong and reconciles.
6) The most pessimistic of the bunch finally gets in the holiday spirit.
7) Someone brings home a controversial guest.
8) Turkey gets burned/eaten by dog/dropped/undercooked because someone didn’t thaw it properly.
9) A beloved relative (who hasn’t appeared or even been mentioned on the show until this moment) shows up and provides wisdom/drunken antics/controversy.

Happy Thanksgiving to all you Broke-Asses out there!


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Quincey Trigillo - Judicious Journalist

Quincey Trigillo - Judicious Journalist

A recent transplant from Orange County, California, Quincey is in the big city with an Empire State Building-sized craving for culture... and learning that "free" part of freelance. Having been a high school English teacher for the last few years, she sadly knows the penny pinching lifestyle all too well. She's got a freakishly adorable dachshund named Walter Matthau and she really enjoys taking a bite out of this Big Apple everyone keeps talking about. Quincey may look straight outta the 'burbs, but.. well, yeah, she's straight outta the 'burbs.